Rye bread cake with honey

Rye bread cake with honey

Egg yolks, half the norm of sugar, honey to knock. When the mass is doubled in volume, add rye ground breadcrumbs, gently enter the whites knocked with the remaining sugar. Bake 2-3 cakes. One cake should be smeared with apple mass sweetened with honey, the second – with whipped cream, jelly, fruits and sweet grated breadcrumbs.

Dough: 8 eggs, 40 grams of sugar, 125 g of honey, 8 tablespoons of rye biscuits, lemon peel.

Apple mass: apple (2 kg) wash and bake, wipe through a sieve, separating the skin. Apple cabbage cook until thick and sweeten 100 g of honey or 150 g of sugar. Cream: 400 grams of cream to knock off 25 grams of sugar.

Recipe 2

Cake “Tenderness” with honey.

Eggs knocked with sugar, add sour cream, warmed honey, soda, flour. Knead the dough, divide into 3 parts, make them thin cakes. Bake them in the oven at 220 њ C. When they cool down, each one must be cut across. Put the crusts toasted side down, and slice the cream with alternately apple, then-sifted. Keep the cake in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours.

Dough: a tablespoon of honey, 200 g of sour cream, 1/2 teaspoon of soda (extinguished with vinegar), 2 eggs, a glass of sugar. Flour so much that the dough had a consistency of curd mass.

Cream sour cream: in chilled sour cream (0,5 kg) to pour a glass of sugar-sand, a peel of one lemon, well to bring down.

Apple Cream: peel 5 apples of medium size, cut in half, take out the seeds. In a saucepan pour a little water, put the apples and boil under the lid on low heat. When the apples are boiled, wipe them through a sieve, add a glass of sugar and a tablespoon of butter. Mix everything well.

Rye bread cake with honey