Withering and sun-damaged skin

Honey is not only food and health, it is also beauty. Stunning cosmetic properties of this product are known since ancient times. Honey masks soften, strengthen and nourish the skin, increase its elasticity and prevent

Chemical composition of wax

The composition of the wax includes about 50 chemical compounds, among which up to 75% of complex fats, 12-15% of limit carbohydrates and 13-15% of free fatty acids. Wax also contains trace elements, substances that


Wasps prbnikayut in a hive and kidnap honey, and sometimes bees for feeding larvae. There are many species. The most common on apiaries are common wasp (Vespa vulgaris), polist (Polistis gallica), forest wasp (Vespa silvestris),

Mobile platform without wheels

Fig. 1. Platform frame with composed racks (top view). They transport apiaries to the massifs of honey plants for the fullest use of the spring supported and the main bribe, the growth of bee colonies

Formation of layers

For the formation of the layers and the withdrawal of the queens, I made five nucleus hives. Each of them is divided by three diaphragms into four compartments with three frames each. Here you can

When the bees winter better

I have been engaged in beekeeping for more than 10 years. I want to share my experience in the formation of the nests of families that winter in the wild. I keep bees in double-wall

Pademic toxicosis of bees

Pademic toxicosis is an infectious disease that occurs as a result of intoxication of bees and larvae by a pad. Causes of the disease. Bees and their larvae perish under the influence of poisoning with

Rye bread cake with honey

Egg yolks, half the norm of sugar, honey to knock. When the mass is doubled in volume, add rye ground breadcrumbs, gently enter the whites knocked with the remaining sugar. Bake 2-3 cakes. One cake

Universal apiary device

During the active bee season at different times bees are given feeding, water, pollen, nucleuses are formed, the swarm is caught, varroa mites are killed, etc. For each operation, a separate device is usually used.

Councils with honey in folk medicine

Aloe (century, Sabur). For medicinal purposes, a thickened leaf juice is used. In folk medicine, the juice of fresh aloe leaves mixed with fat and honey in the following proportions is used in the treatment