Treatment with bee soup

In the chitinous cover of bees, scientists have found such valuable chemicals heparin and heparoids. They are able to suppress inflammatory processes, stabilize blood pressure. They act on the blood system, help to strengthen the

How to make stands for hives

We have made universal supports that enable us to transport beehives, to replace racks in the hibernate and to fully mechanize these processes. And here in a month in the brigade smithy 80 such supports

Spring audit of bee colonies

With the onset of spring time comes an important moment in the work of every beekeeper – a complete inspection of the bee colon. It is carried out after the first spring flight of bees

Flashlight for work in the dark

Electricians often have to work in poor visibility. It’s good, if there is a partner nearby, which will light up the workplace, and the instrument will give. If there is no such partner nearby, the

How to Fix Weak Bee Families in the Spring

Sometimes, as a result of unsuccessful wintering or for other reasons, some bee colonies are greatly weakened and occupy no more than 4 standard frames in the spring after the show, that is, they are

Broth of dogrose with honey

Dried fruits of dogrose well rinse, chop (top with a wooden pestle), fall asleep in boiling water, close the lid, cook for 10-15 minutes. Let it brew for 2-3 hours. Strain broth through 2-3 layers

Honey yeast

250 g of honey, 500 g of flour, 200 g of sugar, 4 eggs, 1 glass of milk, 20 g of yeast, 100 g of butter, 1 teaspoon of soda, ground cinnamon, 100 g of

About the wax moth and the solar wax-furnace

Honeycombs, freed from honey, are saved until the next honey crop in the sewers – special unheated rooms that are inaccessible to bees. In large beekeeping farms, where there are a lot of honeycombs, sotohranilischa

Summer work in the apiary

Staging of stores and selection of frames for the creation of fodder stocks for the winter. During the bribe period, it is very important that there are always enough free cells in the nest to

Honey Sbiten

For 100 g of honey, take 30 g of sugar, 3 g of hops, 0.3 g of cinnamon, 0.2 g of cloves, 0.2 g of mint and 1 liter of water. Water boil, dissolve sugar