Application of bee venom

In its pure form, bee venom is used by the method of direct local bite by bees. With this treatment, they achieve the greatest effect. Injections use drugs with bee venom: apizartron, tosapine, malesin, venapiolin

Apples smoked with honey

The year in our places is now apple. But there is a shortage of sugar. Has come here to me a neighbor, what, he says, do? The apples are missing. No, I answer, the good

The construction of the nomadic pavilion

Frame (bearing structure). If the pavilion is more than 4 m, then it is made of steel or wood. After loading, the nomadic pavilion should not protrude from the body of the car, therefore along

A bit of a bee ant

European nondescript (mutilla, bee ant, Mutilla. Europaea) is an insect related to ants, 12-14 mm in length. A female without wings, the breast is red, the abdomen is ovate, dark blue, belted with yellow bands,

Knife for printing honeycombs

Pylishche – a cutting knife for printing honeycombs, which I made, easy to manufacture, does not require large expenses, it is convenient, durable. To make a knife you need a frame and sawing – cutting

Handle for working with hives

Tip 1 When forming the nests, the work is greatly facilitated by the legend on the framework. It is very convenient to mark them with colored plastic buttons with the corresponding letter designations. So, I

Medicated and toning recipes with honey

Recipe 1 It’s good to drink a glass of water in a morning with a spoonful of honey. Honey regulates the activity of the intestine. It is useful to drink such a honey drink and

Lateral warming of hives

The insulating cushions we sew almost always the same size – only for the top. If the nest is within nine frames, then such a pillow will not enter the empty lateral space. Lateral insulation

Wax Sushi Storage

An important condition for the development of bee colonies, preservation of their health and saturated pollination of greenhouse crops is the provision of bee families with honeycomb (wax drying). In large beekeeping farms, the sushi

All about varroatosis

No matter how much information is published about varroatosis, the fight against it, interest in this does not decrease. Prepared article, which contains the most necessary, priority information about this disease, showing the dynamics of