Bees-prevention fungal diseases

Fungal diseases of bees (mycoses) are among the infectious diseases, the causative agents of which are pathogenic fungi. The most dangerous are ascosphere, aspergillosis and melanosis. In dysfunctional apiaries, families develop poorly, the number of

Life of a bee family

In order to properly and effectively manage the life and activities of bee colonies in order to increase their productivity and maximize the use of bees for pollinating many crops, the beekeeper must know not

The bee family and its composition

Honey bees, like ants, bumblebees and wasps, refer to “socially” living insects. They live in large families and have a number of biological characteristics. Usually the family of bees consists of one uterus, several tens

Devices against swarming

Against the swarming of the bees, I use a 8 mm thick plywood box made by me. In its front wall a 100×10 mm chute is made. To it, on two bolts, a 200X120X25 mm

Natural medicine – honey

When preparing medicinal beverages, mixtures, it should be remembered that at -60 њ C, useful enzymes are destroyed in honey. Recipe 1 With a cold 70-80 g of honey with milk. Mixture: honey, horseradish juice


Ants belong to the family Formicidae and are characterized by the fact that they have no wings. The exception is the females during mating, when they are winged. The head of the ant has protruding

Pollination by bees of tomatoes

Significant areas in greenhouses are used for growing tomatoes. Less common are peppers, aubergines and other crops. Tomatoes, peppers and eggplants belong to the family of Solanaceae, come from hot tropical countries (tomatoes and peppers

Juices with honey

Juices enrich nutrition with vitamins and trace elements, organic acids and pectins, are easily digested by the body, favorably affect digestion, and are therefore widely used in dietary and therapeutic nutrition. As a food and

Once again on the ventilation of hives

The bees are hibernating in the wild. In order to improve the ventilation of the hive, in autumn I remove one of the last frame from the nest and in the corners at the back

Fizocephalosis of bees

Fizotsefalez – an invasive disease of bee colonies, caused by larvae of the fly-roundhead – Phy-socephala vittata. The causative agent of the disease. The round-head fly is 11 mm long, has a large round head