Skin Care in Autumn

Skin Care in Autumn

Modern cosmetic products – powder, lipstick, blush – were well known in ancient times, they were widely used by ancient Egyptians, Romans and women of other nations.

As a philologist, I know that the author of the first book on cosmetics was the famous Cleopatra, and her work was called “About face medicines.” Many beautiful poems dedicated women’s toilet and the use of cosmetics such classic poets as Ovid, Lukian and others.

So, I welcome the attention that is given in our time to the aesthetic appearance of man, in particular the beauty of his face. I believe that external beauty is one of the elements of aesthetics. When we think about the aesthetic education of a person, we can not give up cares about the beauty of his species, his face. We must use all opportunities, all means to look more beautiful.

I want women to be a model of women’s beauty, and they seem to me strange convictions of those who resort to the services of cosmetic institutions.

On the contrary, it would be very good if we started talking about the beauty of appearance already from the youthful years, when the human character and appearance are being formed.

But the thought is exactly the opposite: “I can not calmly see the screaming windows of perfume shops,” one of the opponents of cosmetics writes to me, “I can not hear conversations about the artificial beauty of a person, about the need to create an aesthetic look by resorting to cosmetic products.

Some people believe that caring for the beauty of the face should be one of the elements of aesthetic education.

Or it is necessary then to be surprised when from such adolescents grow styli and self-lovers, for whom the beauty of their face will stand above all interests. On the streets you can see girls with ugly, fashionable hairstyles, plastered lips and painted cheeks, a young

man with curled hair. It is absolutely unacceptable to even talk with children and adolescents about the beauty of the exterior. After all, based on the objectives of education, adolescents under 16 years are prohibited from attending certain films. How can you allow and recommend them to take care of external beauty next to them, fix their attention on these issues, allow them to use cosmetic means? Such advice corrupts young people.

Next to the ban on the sale of alcohol to teenagers, I would forbid selling any cosmetic products to them. We can not trust a teenager to solve the question of what is beautiful and who can be called beautiful. It is necessary to educate the taste and instill the concept of beauty gradually, pointing to a sample of the beautiful.

For my age I belong to the old generation. At one time I was also a teenager, and we were very little interested in the issue of external beauty. The girls of my time did not look handsome, as they do now, but we considered many to be beautiful. We saw the beauty of a girl’s face in its naturalness and did not think that it should be artificially decorated.

If you have excessively sun rays in the summer, the skin is over-dried. It is necessary to grease the face with plenty of creams for the night, use moisturizers during the day, especially if central heating starts working.

Do not forget about the masks. In autumn the following masks are recommended:

Recipe 1

Zheltkovo – honey mask.

Put in the cup 1 yolk, a few drops of oil (preferably olive) and mix. When the mixture thickens, add half a spoonful of honey and mix well. If the mixture is not thick enough, add a little potato flour.

Put a mask on your face and neck with your fingers, not forgetting the place near your ears. After 20 minutes, wash the mask with cool water using a piece of cotton wool. Then wash it off with cold water.

Recipe 2

Tincture of rosemary.

Spoon a rosemary fill with a glass of dry red wine (for dry and normal skin) or vodka (for oily skin). A bottle of tincture should be shaken well every 2 days. After 6 weeks, strain the solution, tincture is ready. Keep it in a cool dry place. 2 times a day tap the skin of the face and neck with a cotton swab dipped in a tincture.

Tincture of rosemary makes the skin supple, smooths wrinkles, the skin becomes less lethargic.

Recipe 3

Grape juice.

In autumn it is very good to make a mask of grape juice. It acts just like a strawberry mask in late spring. It takes very little time. This is an ideal procedure for working women.

Waking up, wipe your face with a tampon with cosmetic milk, take 2-3 berries, cooked from the evening, bite the skin with the skin and rub the face and neck with juice (juice can also be applied to the eyelids). 15-20 minutes do your morning business, then wash the mask with cold water and the procedure is over.

Skin Care in Autumn