Fixtures and fixtures

Care of bees by phone

On the screen of home TV an apiary. If there is a trouble in some hive, it will flash. Then call this hive and see what happened there. Beekeepers have installed computers in beehives and

Conditioner for the hive

Beehive: a – side view, b – top view. 1 – housing; 2 – ceiling; 3 – roof; 4 – frames; 5 – leaflet; c – barred holes; 7 – exhaust openings; 8 – vertical

Hook for the queen bee

The cell, used by beekeepers for uterine growth, is not without flaws. I designed my universal uterine cell. It is simple in structure and consists of a body, lid, feeder (fixed tightly), hook and flaps.

Binder for multi-hull

When roaming with multi-hulls, it happens that the battens weaken. The clip I offer for a rabid multi-hive hive is easy to use and reliable in operation. It consists of steel hooks, sliding locks and

Apiary equipment and equipment

Portable multi-operation stand The use of typical machine tools, which has significant dimensions and cost, not every apiary is available. To facilitate carpentry, a portable small-sized stand design has been developed, which can be moved

Knife for printing honeycombs

Pylishche – a cutting knife for printing honeycombs, which I made, easy to manufacture, does not require large expenses, it is convenient, durable. To make a knife you need a frame and sawing – cutting

Flying hoods in the hive

Universal separation grid. In the kit two pieces in the size of 448X470 mm. They are designed for standard 10- and 12-ram hives. For installation in a 10-frame hive, it is sufficient to break off

Devices and tools for printing out honeycombs

Fig. Steam knife for printing out honeycombs. Ordinary double-edged knives with a long thin blade and a curved handle fully meet their purpose. To heat the knives during work, the baths or samovar are used.

For bonding shields

To make the wall of the hive body 450 mm high, you need to glue several boards into one shield. This operation I carry out with the help of the clamp I designed. It consists


Each apiary has a solar wax-up. In it, bright light honeycombs are re-heated and with a minimum of labor they receive high-quality wax. However, it can not be used effectively in the early spring and