Bee baby

The young, just hatched chicken – the creature is in many respects underdeveloped, but in general it is very similar to the parents. He, like them, already has wings, legs and eyes. And out of

Renounce sugar

In modern methods of keeping bees, sugar is an integral part. This is due to the veterinary and sanitary rules for keeping families. In practice, they often seek to increase their honey production by over-permissible

Collection of nectar and pollen

Bees collect nectar and flower pollen from the flowers of plants. Nectar is distinguished by special glands of plants – nectaries. After processing with a bee, it becomes honey. Bees can collect other sweet substances.

Vishnevka with honey

This delicious drink is prepared in a keg. Pick up the mature and clean cherries and fill them with a barrel, leaving unfilled at the top 15-20 cm. In the barrel of cherries pour honey.

Quality of honey in seven years

We conducted a study of 24 samples of honey, which was kept at the Department of Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise of the Agricultural Academy for 7-8 years. The product was stored in glass jars, closed

Cottage cheese casserole with honey sauce

Recipe 1 In the soft cheese rubbed through a sieve add salt, vanillin, eggs, butter, mix everything. Add the grated carrot on a large grater, mix. Put the mixture on a greased form, bake in

Alpine hive

-the most highly productive -The most economical -the most convenient in operation General characteristics of the hive “Alpine” is a multi-hull hive, in contrast to similar traditional structures, it has one tap, no separation grid

Bees in June

In June, the uterus of Ukrainian and Carpathian bees has the greatest fertility, laying over 2,000 eggs daily. At the end of the month, each family can number more than 55-85 thousand bees. During this

Apiary in August

At present, in Ukraine, the nectariferous base is poor. In a number of areas, honey is not significant or even completely ceases. After flowering of nectariferous plants, families prepare for wintering, and the bees have

Tonic drinks with honey

Strawberry drink. Mix half a glass of milk, 2 tablespoons of honey, 1/2 cup of mashed strawberries. Add a bunch of salt, knock down until a uniform mass is formed. Orange drink. For 1.5 cups