Lucerne honey

Lucerne honey honey bees are harvested from purple or violet flowers of alfalfa. Freshly refined honey has various shades – from colorless to amber; quickly crystallizes, acquiring a white color and resembling thick cream in

Honey extraction on a honey extractor

During the main bribe, you must ensure that the pumping of honey from the hives is done in a timely manner. Just removed from the hive, warm honey is easily pumped out on a honey

Perception by bees of polarized light

Fig. 94. Observation beehive in an inclined position. Even with such a slight inclination bees can dance, guided by the direction of gravity. To more accurately study the behavior of bees on a horizontal dance

Hook Clamps

Fig. 2. The scheme for fixing the roof of the hive. In order to not remove the roofs from the hives during the inspection of the nest or distribution of fertilizing, it is enough to

Contraindications to the use of honey

It is not recommended to use honey for people with excessive sensitivity to it and patients, as shown by the limited use of carbohydrates; in the form of inhalations with pulmonary emphysema, bronchial and cardiac


In terms of productivity, the proposed hand scoop for extracting soil from rectangular wells, wells, sediment from wells, etc., of course, is inferior to mechanized, but where mechanisms can not be used, my device has

Skin Care in Autumn

Modern cosmetic products – powder, lipstick, blush – were well known in ancient times, they were widely used by ancient Egyptians, Romans and women of other nations. As a philologist, I know that the author

Honey baths

Honey, which is added to different baths very favorably affects the skin of the body and face, enhances the effect of other components. The skin after such baths becomes soft, silky. The water temperature in

Exhibition of bees in the spring from the winter hut

The time of the spring exhibition of bees at will depends on their behavior and weather. In greenhouses, reserve bee colonies usually have extremely small stocks of Perga or do not have them at all.

Rickettsiosis of bees

Rikketshoz is an infectious disease of bees, accompanied by a change in the hemolymph of adult bees. The causative agent of the disease. Rickettsia disease is caused. They have dimensions of 0.2-0.4-0.9 microns, coccoid, rod-shaped,