Replacement of buildings in the main families

The work is done in late May – early June, when the gardens bloom and the yellow acacia. In the evening, in cool weather, it is necessary to warm up the pavilion to 20-25 њ

Preservation of bees in greenhouses

In the years of the initial use of bees for pollination of crops grown in greenhouses, there were many factors that adversely affected bees, for example, greenhouses were of small size, most of them were

Honey apple pie

In the softened butter, add liquid honey, sugar, eggs and mix thoroughly. Pour in wheat flour, soda and knead the dough. Cut the apples into small pieces together with the peel (removing the core), mix

Cake “Ideal” with honey

Prepare this cake in a water bath. In a large pot put a smaller saucepan, put her butter, sugar and a little bit of eggs. All stir well and add honey. Mass a little salt,

Schisandra with honey

The peoples of the Far East have long considered lemongrass berries as a natural stimulant. Hunters of gold, Nanais and others, going on a hunt, take with them some dried fruits. They claim that it

Quality of wax

The quality of the wax depends on the raw materials, method and processing conditions of processing. Its physical state depends on the presence of impurities, temperature, storage conditions. When processing raw materials, especially of poor

Ventilation of the socket

The main conditions of life of bees are air, water, food and heat. The need for air in bees is great. A huge amount of bee brood requires a rapid change in the exhaust air.

Selection of honey bees

The leading principles of breeding are considered common for most plants and animals, but for many there is a specific tribal cause, due to the peculiarities of these objects, facilitating or hampering the work of