Care of bees in greenhouses

Bees, depending on their breed, when examining the nest react differently. Southern bees are very peaceful. Nests can be examined without a facial mesh, and sometimes even without smoke. Central Russian bees are covetous, and

Catching stray swarms

A large number of people are engaged in catching stray swarms. With this method, you can significantly expand your apiary. To catch is necessary to make traps, the structure of which can be very different,

Association of bee colonies

The method of combining bee families described in the literature consists in the gradual rapprochement (0.5 m per day) of hives. If these families are at different ends of the apiary, this will require a

Bees under the ground

One day in early August, in the field on a tractor mill, the machine operators noticed the years of bees, called me, and I was surprised at this unusual choice of place for a home.

Biology of the bee family

All bee diseases can be divided into two categories: 1) diseases of adult bees and 2) diseases of brood. Adult bees can get sick at any time of year under unfavorable conditions. Diseases of broods

The composition of the fodder balance of the apiary

The work on the composition of the feed balance of apiaries is carried out in the following order: 1) take into account the species composition of the major honey plants, growing in the area of

Family of bees

A nature lover has two possibilities to start acquaintance with bees: walking on a warm spring or summer day through a flowering garden or a fragrant meadow, he will see bees energetically working on flowers;

Hand trolley

Today it is not easy to buy the necessary materials, parts, spare parts for the units. Many gardeners and gardeners to facilitate their work make adaptations, taking as a basis proposed by the readers of

Gregarinosis of bees

Gegarinosis is an invasive disease of bee colonies, which causes an intestinal disorder. The disease is poorly understood. The causative agent of the disease is the Greek animal – the protozoa (Protozoa), from the class

Device of the hive for the pavilion

It is now generally accepted that the vertical arrangement of the hives is more in keeping with the natural habitat of the bees – the hollow. The desire of bees to develop a nest in