
Now let’s talk about bumblebees, insects, which completely completed the transition to a social lifestyle. Bumblebee State. Despite its awkward appearance, bumblebees along the external and internal structure have so much in common with bees

Wintering of bees in the greenhouse

Cleaning bees in the winter hut. Wintering bees is the most important period in the life of bees. From its outcome depends the state of the apiary and the further ability of the bees to

Rescue of the apiary from wasps

Once upon a time, my wasps attacked my apiary. They completely destroyed four families of medium strength. Bait in bottles here did not help. Then I decided to find another way to deal with these

Kalinovy ​​mors with honey

Kalinovy ​​mors. Dissolve honey in warm water, add the juice of viburnum, mix and serve chilled. 100 ml of guarana juice, 100 g of honey, 900 ml of water. Morse from rhubarb. The rhubarb should

Roll with nuts and honey

2 tablespoons of honey, 3 eggs, 100 g of semolina, 100 g of walnuts, 50 grams of sugar, a little lemon zest. Beat eggs with sugar, honey and lemon zest until the appearance of foam.

Multifunctional server

During the growth of bee colonies, swarms are formed and formed. Despite counter-measures, swarms often fly out of hives, are planted on a tree, shrub or specially arranged near the apiary, and after a while

Care of bees in winterhouses

In the first months of wintering, beekeepers check the microclimate of the winter hunter with a psychometer for 1-2 months, use the control family for food consumption, which is installed on the scale, listen to

Honey and Perga as food of bees

For normal life and reproduction, animals, including bees, should receive with food the following nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins and water. All these substances are complex, high-molecular, have a large energy reserve. In

Processing of nectar in honey

Sweet, fragrant nectar is fed by many insects: bumblebees, all sorts of flies, butterflies, wasps. But the greatest amount of nectar is harvested and honey bees are brought into their nests. During flowering of gardens

Medovik Butlerovsky

Take a protein from five eggs and yolks from three eggs, beat with honey (preferably buckwheat), add wheat flour, crushed nutmeg, cinnamon and a bit of anise. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and add lightly