Honey extraction on a honey extractor

Honey extraction on a honey extractor

During the main bribe, you must ensure that the pumping of honey from the hives is done in a timely manner. Just removed from the hive, warm honey is easily pumped out on a honey extractor. On the contrary, if it remains for a long time in the cells neotkachannym and cool, it will become more dense and viscous. Such honey is poorly pumped out. He remains in the cells a lot. That is why it is necessary to pump out honey immediately by selecting frames from the hive.

If the framework remained several days outside the hive and managed to cool down, before pumping the honey to accelerate the case it is necessary to heat such a framework in a hotly heated room, and then start pumping the honey. Pumping viscous heather honey is also successfully carried out in a hotly heated room. We must carefully monitor the cleanliness of the premises, dishes, clothes and hands of workers.

Before pumping out the cell, you must print it out so that all cells are opened. Usually this is done with beekeeping knives. The most suitable of them are double-edged knives. They must be sharp. If the knife is hot, then the work goes quickly and smoothly. Because of this, the knives are heated in hot water. When printing a frame, it should be placed on a table or on a stand and supported from the left with your left hand. The cutting of the caps starts from the bottom and moves upwards. At the same time, pointing the knife upward, you need to move it towards yourself and from yourself, as if filing or cutting off the lid.

The knife must be cut only by the lids, without capturing the honey and the walls of the cells. It is good to work on a specially designed table with a hole in the middle for dropping the lids on a sieve covering the basin placed below, or over a special vat.

Honey extraction on a honey extractor

Fig. The beekeeping knife.

Opened on both sides of the frame,

if possible, equal in weight, put in honey, after which it is set in motion. With an uneven load of boxes, the honey extractor will shudder, swing and deteriorate. It should be strictly vertical and be firmly strengthened. First, slowly make a few turns, and then gradually increase the rotation. If the honey is warm, then after 20-30 seconds it will almost completely be pumped out. Then the frames are wrapped around the other side and continue pumping at a more accelerated pace.

When it is necessary to pump honey out of very young, tender honeycombs, in order to avoid spoiling them from the strong pressure of honey from the opposite, not yet pumped out side, do so. From the first side, honey is not pumped out to the very end, but only half. On the other hand, the frame descends immediately to the end. And only after this, the pumping of honey from the first side ends.

When pumping honey, the frames should touch tightly to the honeycomb grid and, in addition, the grid should not bend, otherwise the honeycombs will buckle and spoil. To make honey easier to pump, the frames are placed in the carotalk so that the lower bar of the frame goes forward. When pouring honey through the tap of the honey extractor, it is passed through for cleaning through a thick strainer.

Certain types of honey should not be mixed with each other. At the end of the bribe, the frames freed from honey are placed either in the nest for the plaque or in the store for “drying” the bees. Completely “drained” wax is not moldy and well preserved until next year. On “drying” you can give more frames to those families who have less honey. On the hives of such families it is possible to put two or three stores, separating them with a tire from the nest and leaving only passes for the bees. In this case, the bees will transfer the honey to the nest. However, this can be done only where there was no and there is no disease of the bees. Pumping honey can be mechanized to a large extent. As a result, significantly fewer hands will be required.

The work on pumping honey is very urgent, and if the bribes have not yet ended, then it should be carried out in the shortest possible time. The timely evacuation of honey significantly increases honey production. Consequently, good equipment and high productivity of honey extractors play a big role in increasing the profitability of the apiary.

Printed frames with honey over a special vat.


Honey extraction on a honey extractor Honey extraction on a honey extractor

Medolons. At each apiary point there must be a honey extractor. Ordinary (tangental) honey extractors without self-renewing boxes, on four frames have a low productivity, and therefore are suitable only for apiaries up to 100 hives.

In many medobonkah after pumping honey on one side it is necessary to take out and rotate the frame by the other side, which takes a lot of time, much better than the same honey extractors, but with self-rotating boxes for frames. On a self-healing honey extractor, you can pump at least one and a half to two times more honey than an ordinary honey.

In the radial honey extractor, the frames are arranged radially. They can be arranged on 50-60 frames. In them honey is sprayed immediately. The four-footed honey extractor, on both sides, without turning the frames. This is their advantage over tangental medobonkami, but they are not so pure pumped honey. When pumping honey, the number of revolutions per minute is brought to 250-300.

Equipment for pumping honey. On large apiaries, the manual carrying of overstocks and boxes with honey frames should be replaced by the carriage of several supplements (shops) at once on wheelbarrows or two-wheeled spring carts.

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Honey extraction on a honey extractor