Simple biogas plant

Over the past 30 years, biogas has significantly spread not only in countries with warm climates. Scientists estimated that organic waste of livestock in our country can give biogas in recalculation for conventional fuel –

Kvass honey

100 g of honey, 1 lemon, 1 l of water, a siphon of soda water. Honey to dissolve warm boiled water, to cool, add juice from one lemon and again to cool. Pour half of

Cold bees are not terrible

In a large cluster of bees (and in the winter club of a strong family there are 30-35 thousand insects, and their density is very high) it is quite easy for them to create the

Tulip honey

Tulip honey of reddish color, has a pleasant aroma and good taste. Bees collect this honey from the greenish-red flowers of a beautiful decorative tulip tree. This tree is a good honey plant, as it

Enemy bee bee-eater

We have two kinds of bee-eaters (osoidae): 1) Pernus apivorus and 2) Pernus apivorus orientalis. The former is found mainly in the European part (except for the Crimea and the Caucasus), and the second, larger

A proven method of replanting the uterus

In the magazine was published the article “Proven method of replanting.” The author received many letters with a request to clarify – how to organize active ventilation of the bee nest and cells with the

Honey onion mixture

A few years ago, the author published a recommendation on the preparation of a honey-onion mixture. Prepare this mixture in a ratio of 1: 1, with sclerosis of cerebral vessels take a tablespoon in the

Honey for the treatment of skin diseases

In folk medicine for centuries, honey cakes and honey ointment are successfully used for skin diseases. Avicenna also widely and successfully used honey for skin diseases. In the ancient Russian handwriting clinics, there are many

How alarms work in bees

In the warm season, in good weather, even in a time-free period, throughout the day a small part of the flying bees of the family is always in flight in search of sources of bribes:

Medicinal drinks with honey

Drink from calendula. A tablespoon of dry crushed flowers of calendula should be poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 2-3 minutes and let stand. After cooling, mix with 2 tablespoons of honey.