Honeycomb with hazelnuts

400 g of honey, 300 g of sugar, 4 eggs, 1 kg of flour, 1 glass of beer or sour cream, 1 glass of forest oaks, 1 teaspoon of soda and ground cinnamon, 1/2 peel

Durability of bees

The life of worker bees is very active, especially in spring and summer. They all their lives carry out various works, which are extremely numerous. Therefore, the bee’s strengths are soon depleted and the wings

Treatment with bee stings

When treated with bee venom (bite), the stinger is left in the body for at least 15-20 minutes. Every day the number of bees used for treatment is increased by one. This helps to adapt

Control hive in the apiary

The control is called the family, which for a certain time is weighed in order to control the intake and consumption of feed in the hive. Usually a strong family with a young uterus less

How to soften the crystallized honeycombs

Probably, every beekeeper after the exhibition of families has to find in honeycomb hives with crystallized honey. The scheme of the bath. Often, bees throw crystals at the bottom of the hive. To help them,

Milk and fruit drinks with honey

Recipe 1 A glass of yoghourt, 2 cups of fresh milk, 3 tablespoons of honey and sour cream, 150 ml of strawberry or raspberry juice (you can do without sour cream). Recipe 2 Two glasses

Theft and attack of bees

In a time-free period, especially with a sudden cessation of honey collection, old bees, worried about the need to replenish fodder reserves, wind around the storehouse where they store food for them, and at the

Properties of honey

Honey has extremely great advantages over other food products: having good taste qualities, it is also a valuable curative and preventive agent. Bee honey is a wonderful gift of nature, in the creation of which

Artificial over-flight overflights of bees

The work is carried out in the first half of October, when you can not count on a natural flight of bees. At a temperature of 10-12 њ C, the windless and sunny pavilion warms

Bee venom with neuralgia

Patients with inflammation of the sciatic, femoral and other nerves were treated; the majority in the past had rheumatism. It should be noted that almost all patients before the start of the course of treatment