Spring in the Apiary

With the advent of spring, beekeepers and bees are accepted for work. For the first flight I put the bees out of the winter hut at a stable air temperature of 8-10 њ C and

Veal with honey

Veal cut into cubes 3×3 cm. Marinate in vodka and honey. (Pre-cut the meat a little and roll in the seasoning.) After 3 hours, put the meat along with the marinade and put on medium

Properties of bee venom

Well-known properties of bee venom – causes pain, swelling, redness at the site of the bite – associated with its biological purpose. The role of bee venom reduces only to expel unwanted “lacquers” from the

Preparation of artificial feed

When feeding bees to sugar syrup, they process it, fold it into honeycomb cells and seal with wax lids, while bees wear heavily. To avoid this and provide the bee family with food, they prepare

Useful volume of the pavilion hive

How many honeycombs are required for bees to develop normally? In the active period, they need honeycomb for carbohydrate feed and pergi, oviposition, brood rearing, processing of nectar, and for rest. Studies have established that

Birth of a bee family

One summer morning, just as if a dozing hive at the bees of scouts suddenly comes to a strong excitement. Sobbing in the tap, the bees begin to fly out of the nest, as if

How to make a heat chamber for processing bees

To increase the efficiency of anti-varrotic treatment of bees, we produced a thermocamera, the structure of which has been described with some modifications. The frame of the thermal chamber is made of bars measuring 30X30

How to harden metal

A knowledgeable person does not believe that surface hardening or carburizing of fairly large parts can be done “just like that” – in any rural workshop without special equipment, high frequency currents, bulky heating furnaces.

How to remove a swarm

Fig. 25. Roevnia with a swarm. Roy can be caught. To do this, there is a special device – roevnia. Opening side of her lead to the bees and shake them. Do not fall into

Good uterine swarms

In the nest of the family, from which the swarm came out, there are always a lot of good mature swarm queen. Bees grow queens for their new families – swarms. Moreover, they are taken