Properties of honey
Honey has extremely great advantages over other food products: having good taste qualities, it is also a valuable curative and preventive agent. Bee honey is a wonderful gift of nature, in the creation of which
Melissa honey
Melissa honey is beautiful in taste. Bees make it from nectar of light purple or pink flowers with a strong smell of lemon balm, or lemon mint, widely spread in the wild in the Caucasus
Vitaminized honey
Speaking about the fact that bees in their bodies transform artificial nectar into vitamin-medicinal honey. Polyvitaminized honey is a natural bee honey, mechanically enriched with vitamins, highly nutritious, medicinal and other valuable substances. Thus, the
Coniferous honey
Needles are a valuable vitamin concentrate. According to the content of vitamin C, needles are 10 times more active than potatoes and 4 times lemon. In addition, many vitamins A (carotene) and K. are abundant
Honey ware storage
Keep honey recommended in a dry, well ventilated place at a temperature of 5 to 10 C. Experiments have shown that, with considerable air humidity, the weight of honey increases by the amount absorbed by
Facilius honey
Fazelium honey is light green or white, has a delicate aroma and pleasant delicate taste. After crystallization, it resembles a dough. Fazelium honey refers to high-grade honey and is very appreciated at the consumer. Bees
Main properties of honey
The color of honey depends to the greatest extent on what plants honey comes from. Thus, honey from white acacia, linden, sweet clover, alfalfa and clover is light in color, from almost white to pale
Extract honey
Extraordinary honey of white color, fragrant, delicious. This first-class honey honey bees are made from nectar collected from numerous golden-yellow flowers of weeds – sow.
Councils with honey in folk medicine
Aloe (century, Sabur). For medicinal purposes, a thickened leaf juice is used. In folk medicine, the juice of fresh aloe leaves mixed with fat and honey in the following proportions is used in the treatment
Pea honey
Pea honey honey bees are harvested from the flowers of small-leaved peas, which grow in the steppe regions of Siberia. This honey is transparent, has a delicate aroma and taste. In Siberia, bee colonies bring