Chokeberry juice with honey

Chokeberry juice with honey

Of all the berries, chokeberry contains most of all ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Perhaps this explains the recent statement about the cautious attitude to the aronia of patients on hypertension, angina and other diseases. The matter is that doctors more and more often began to observe side reactions, which contribute to the excessive use of ascorbic acid. The most dangerous consequence of her overdose is an increase in the ability of the blood to clot, with which the associated risk of thrombosis. This is more about vitamin preparations, not organic, easily absorbed vitamins, which are contained in a living cell.

The juice of aronia is effective in the treatment of the initial stage of hypertension, it has vasodilating properties. It also reduces cholesterol in the blood, increases blood circulation, normalizes the processes of excitation in the brain, strengthens the capillaries, removes from the body salts of cobalt, strontium, various toxic substances.

Contraindication regarding the use of the juice of chokeberry – peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis with high acidity.

Drink with honey: 1/2 cup with a tablespoon of honey three times a day for 30 minutes before meals.

Chokeberry juice with honey