

A person with paralyzed legs can stand, walk and sit down due to a prosthetic design. The English inventor H. Grenville designed a computerized restraint for patients with paralyzed legs.

The device is manufactured by the firm “Inebliment of Technology”. The support is equipped with an electronic device that stimulates the muscles of the legs and thighs. The computer sends impulses to the surface of the skin directly near the idle muscles. Since 1982, 300 patients have benefited from the medical support, of which one third has learned to stand and 50 to walk.

Wheelchair Wheelchair

The wheelchair is in the normal position.


A wheelchair with a raised seat. A, B and C – hinges, connections of lever links with the seat, between each other and with the frame of the stroller. D – gas spring. In the orthopedic hospital R. Jones and A. Hunt, England, developed a device “parokvier” to help a paralyzed child.

Paravoker is used together with hand crutches and consists of hip joints of limited mobility, without friction parts, from a rigid frame for the trunk and shoe plates. The prosthesis is simply fastened, adjusted to the size of the body, easily dressed and removed. Its aluminum tubular and channel elements impart strength and rigidity to the construction with low weight. The corset allows you to move each leg independently while standing on the other leg, and the knee and hip joints allow you to sit down. Each “paravoker” is made according to the size of the patient’s body and is tested on it for two or three weeks. Firm Ai. DK Medical Equipments, Inc., USA, manufactures wheelchairs that allow the patient to move independently, but also to take an almost vertical position.

The rigid frame of the stroller is hingedly connected to the adjustable and rotatable frame of the chair, capable of changing its shape and position at will of the sitting patient. A manual lever mechanism is provided for turning the chair from sitting to standing position. For easy lifting and safety against sudden tipping back, the seat of the chair is connected to the frame of the stroller by a gas spring such as a pneumatic shock absorber.


Explain near the blackboard better standing. When you get up, the position of the patient is fixed by adjustable popliteal stops. The wheelchair has neither batteries nor an engine, and its weight is about 35 kg.
