Smokehouse for fruit

Smokehouse for fruit

1 – wooden grating; 2 – rubble stone; 3 – chimney; 4 – furnace.

The walls of the smokehouse are made of bricks. Inside the smokehouse there is a chimney, built of quarry stone arch. Between the stone smoke passes freely. Smokehouse covered with a wooden grill, on which I put fruit. Kohchu and apples, pears and plums. Apples slices, pears and plums – whole, from smoked fruit delicious compote. They are preserved for several years. The moth does not grind them.

After the fruit is poured onto the grate, I put a dense cloth cover over them. I’ll smoke for two or three days. During this time, I sort out the fruits, putting them ready and drying them in the sun, on a stove or oven.

Smokehouse for fruit