Royal jelly in folk medicine

Royal jelly in folk medicine

Royal jelly was tested and used for diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, with tuberculosis and brucellosis, arthritis, etc. It contains a lot of acetylcholine, a substance that dilates the blood vessels, so it works well for hypertension. Has a therapeutic effect of milk and hypotension. Thus, it is a kind of blood pressure regulator: for those suffering from hypertension it helps to reduce, and when hypotension – to increase the pressure to normal.

Royal jelly normalizes the metabolism, it is used against obesity and when it is thin; strengthens the body’s resistance to infections, stimulates blood formation, regulates the functions of the endocrine glands, treats atherosclerosis and coronary insufficiency. According to French scientists, milk causes cheerfulness, a surge of energy, eliminates malaise, improves appetite. A good effect it gives for a number of heart diseases, hypertension and hypotension, etc.

The French doctor Destrem wrote that royal jelly can be used to combat old age. In the Bulgarian nursing home, the effect of royal jelly on a group of healthy old people aged 60 to 100 years was studied. After a 3-week therapy with milk, satisfactory results were obtained: well-being improved, cheerfulness increased, appetite increased, sleep improved, cholesterol content decreased, blood pressure normalized, royal jelly benefited heart and lung function.

Abroad royal jelly is used for subcutaneous and intramuscular infusions, as well as for oral administration in combination with honey and flower pollen. Acceptance of small doses of honey-mother or honey-pollen-mother preparation inside does not recommend the author, since gastric juice inactivates the therapeutic properties of royal jelly.

For several years we successfully apply royal jelly sublingually: with a glass spatula the patient collects the right amount of milk and puts

it under the tongue or drips the emulsion solution into the tongue. Royal jelly is well absorbed by the mucous membrane of the sublingual region and is quickly carried by the blood stream throughout the body, bypassing the stomach.

Large doses of royal jelly (about 100-200 mg per day), taken sublingually or inward, cause a rush of vivacity. Small doses (10-20 mg), apparently, act only psychotherapeutically. The author suggested using royal jelly inside, but at the same time for 10-15 minutes before taking it you need to drink half a glass of alkaline water (a teaspoon of baking soda for half a cup of boiled water).

It is impossible to give, of course, a common prescription and treatment regimen suitable for all patients. Each patient requires a strictly individual approach to a specially designed treatment regimen. In many cases, with some serious diseases, especially with rheumatism and arthritis, complex treatment with apitoxin (bee venom) and royal jelly can be used.

Together, apitoxin and royal jelly have a beneficial effect on the body, have a pharmacological effect, mobilize its protective properties, their therapeutic effect is enhanced. In an experiment on laboratory animals, it was found that royal jelly causes general reactions of excitation of higher nervous activity. Bee venom, on the contrary, in therapeutic doses helps inhibit the activity of the cerebral cortex.

Thus, bee venom and royal jelly must be applied strictly individually, taking into account the multifaceted therapeutic properties of these two important natural remedies.

Experimental studies and clinical observations, conducted in many countries of the world, helped to learn many secrets of this interesting tool and put it in the service of health care. The results showed that natural royal jelly possesses valuable therapeutic and prophylactic properties, which can not be said about its preparations.

Royal jelly, which the patient shifts directly from the mother liquor under the tongue, acts more efficiently. It’s like dried fruits and a freshly squeezed apple.

Royal jelly in folk medicine