Pumpkin juice with honey

Pumpkin juice with honey

The pumpkin contains many pectin substances, fiber, which favorably affect the motor function of the colon, prevent constipation, and also promote the removal of cholesterol from the body. Through a low energy value, pumpkin dishes are useful with excessive body weight, obesity.

It is necessary to use pumpkin juice in diseases of the kidneys, liver, as it charges a diuretic, choleretic, mild laxative effect. It is also useful for pregnant women, because it reduces vomiting, acts soothingly on the nervous system. All that is said about pumpkin juice, also refers to the juices of courgettes and squash. True, they are weaker in carotene, but vitamin C is twice as large as in pumpkins. Zucchini rich in copper, potassium, very useful for anemia.

Drink with honey: a glass of juice with a tablespoon of honey 2-3 times a day (you can before and after eating).

Pumpkin juice with honey