Melon – a surprise with honey
1 medium-sized melon, strawberries, raspberries, plums, ripe peaches, currants, 2 tablespoons brandy, honey to taste. Melon is washed out under a strong stream of cold water. Cut out the “cap”, take out the core with a spoon. We put inside strawberries, raspberries, cut plums, peeled and crushed peas, currants so that the melon was almost full. Fill with honey and pour brandy.
We put the cut out “top” on top and put the melon in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. When serving, cut the melon into slices. Do not cut deeply, as this can damage fruit.
Attention! Melon can not be filled with hard fruits (apples, pears, unripe peaches or apricots).
Recipe 2
Strawberry salad with honey.
100 g honey, 500 g strawberries, 200 g whipped cream, vanilla powder or a bar to taste. The washed, peeled and cut strawberries are poured with honey. Add vanilla and mix a little. We leave in the refrigerator for an hour. When serving, add whipped cream.
Melon – a surprise with honey