How to get rid of hairiness on the face

How to get rid of hairiness on the face

Recipe 1

Cream with excessive hairiness on the face.

Without the least risk to health use the Arab method of bleaching hair: in a spoon of heated honey add the juice of half a lemon and hot mixture to lubricate the area of ​​the face covered with hair. Dry the mixture should be wiped from the face with your fingertips. Hair gradually discolored, the skin of the face remains soft and supple.

Recipe 2

Cream-jelly for oily skin.

Dissolve 6 g of gelatin in warm water (50 њ C), add 80 g of glycerin to the mass, 50 g of honey, 1 g of salicylic acid, place, place on a water bath and heat until all the components have dissolved.

Recipe 3

Vitamin cream.

Half a pack of margarine or 10 g of bone marrow melt in a water bath or rub with 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, one yolk, a teaspoon of honey, 2 lemons juice, 10 drops of concentrated vitamin A oil. Add a tablespoon of boric or camphor alcohol and tincture lemon peel. Pre-zest 2 lemons, passed through a meat grinder, pour 1/2 cup of boiling water and insist 6-8 hours. Lubricate the skin with this cream in the morning and evening.

Recipe 4

Nutritious cream.

Melted bone marrow (50 g) is well pounded with one yolk, a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of vegetable oil and 2 tablespoons of black currant fruit (or currants, mountain ash, strawberry). To the prepared mass, add 30 ml of camphor alcohol with drops, rubbing the cream all the time.

Recipe 5

Cream “Cleopatra”.

Carefully mix 5 grams of aloe powder in 40 ml of distilled water so that there are no lumps. Add 20 ml of rose water and 10 g of honey. Put the mixture on a water bath and gradually enter into it melted lard (keep the water bath is not very overheated). Ready cream with a light aroma of scarlet is transferred to a jar and stored in a refrigerator. Apply to the skin of the face, and

neck once a day with a thin layer. It is said that the real secret of the beauty of Cleopatra lurked in the application of this cream.

Recipe 6

Honey water for skin cleansing.

Dissolve a tablespoon of honey in 2 glasses of warm water and wash her face for 5-7 minutes, then rinse it with warm water. This procedure is especially useful in combination with a shower and tea. If after a hard day you returned home tired, then take a shower, drink a glass of freshly brewed tea with a tablespoon of honey, and after that, wash the face with honey water, as indicated above. You will increase the disposition of the spirit, the skin of the face will become fresh, velvety.

Instead of washing honey water, you can apply a rare honey to your face and neck. For ever, put cotton swabs, soaked in a weak tea brew. Lie on your back, put the pillow under your feet, relax as much as possible. After 8-10 minutes, remove the cotton swabs, and leave the honey on your face for a few more minutes. Rinse the honey with warm water.

Recipe 7

Lotion for cleansing and softening the skin.

1. Mix a teaspoon of honey and glycerin, a tablespoon of vodka or cologne, 2-3 grams of borax and a third of a glass of water.

2. Egg yolk to grind with a tablespoon of oil (sunflower, corn, linseed, hemp). Stirring, add to this mass 250 g cream (you can milk). Juice 2 lemons mixed with a tincture of lemon peel (finely chopped lemon peel pour a glass of boiling water, infuse 2-3 hours, filter, cool).

Add a tablespoon of honey, mix with the previously prepared mixture, grind well. Pour 150 grams of camphor alcohol into drops, shake, strain, pour 250 g of cold boiled water and shake again.

Wipe face with this lotion in the morning and evening. Keep in a cool dark place.

It is very useful to massage the face with strawberries and honey. To 3-4 crushed berries to add a teaspoon of honey, carefully mix the mass and rub it with your fingertips into a well-washed face skin. After a while you need to wash, dry your face and apply a nourishing cream. After this procedure, the skin is enriched with vitamins, smoothed and becomes fresh.

Recipe 8

Cream for removing freckles.

Unripe black currant berries knead and add to them a tablespoon of honey. This mixture lubricate the places on the face with freckles. After 30 minutes, remove the mask, wipe the face with lemon juice or lemon water. Sour currant juice whitens the skin.

Recipe 9

Honey cream for coarse skin, which is scaly.

Preheat 120 g of honey for a couple, add 40 g of water lanolin, and when it dissolves, – half an inch of almond oil. Stir the mixture thoroughly, remove from heat, knock it off. Apply cream on face in mask form for 30 minutes. Keep in the refrigerator.

Honey in a mixture with other products well softens the skin of hands, removes dryness and peeling, makes them tender and pleasant to touch. Mix 3 tablespoons of glycerin, a teaspoon of ammonia, on the tip of a knife of borax, 1/2 cup of water. Shake before use.

How to get rid of hairiness on the face