Honey creamy-egg cream with gelatin
Prepare a solution, gelatin with cream; 3 eggs with sugar grinded, warmed in a water bath in a saucepan with a mixture, during the warming up the mixture to knock.
Then put the pan in cold water, add 2 tablespoons of honey and continue beating until a loose mass forms, cooling to the temperature of cold water. Separately knock off the cooled cream to a thick foam. Mix the whipped cream with the beaten eggs, adding a warm gelatin solution. Tint and quickly use the cream until it becomes thick.
Sugars need 2 tablespoons. The yield of the cream is 420 g.
Recipe 2
Honey cream oil on eggs.
In the pan put 2 tablespoons of honey and drive one egg, mix. Preheating the mixture to 45 њ C, knock it off with a whisk until its volume is increased by 2.5-3 times. Continuing to knock down, cool the mass to room temperature. Separately, heat the oil to the consistency of thick sour cream (100 g), knock it down to white and, continuing to knock down, gradually pour in the mass from the egg with sugar. Reduce the cream until it becomes friable.
Honey creamy-egg cream with gelatin