Selection of the best bee colonies

Selection of the best bee colonies

Under identical conditions of maintenance on each apiary, bee colonies differ in speed of development and productivity. This indicates the lack of breeding work with bees. Praise is deserved only by that beekeeper, in the economy of which the indices of each family’s honey collection differ little from the highest.

With the systematic improvement of the breed of bees in the apiary, the best families are identified each year for collecting honey, detaching honeycombs and winter hardiness. For bees used in greenhouses, it is important that they actively work on the pollinated culture, do not leave it during the flowering period of competing meados. Not the least role in the assessment of bees are such signs as their weak rylivnost, nezlblivost and resistance to disease.

It is known that the strength and productivity of the family is affected by the quality and age of the uterus, its breed, fodder reserves, the volume of the nest, the color of the hive, the supply of land and many other factors. For example, if a family joins a regular family, which usually happens in windy weather, the productivity of the family increases. This is an accidental factor and is not taken into account. The bee colonies are growing, as a rule, in the extreme greenhouses, located in the direction of flowering plants at will, as well as in the front rows of the hives and in the middle of the apiary. This should be taken into account.

An indispensable condition for an objective assessment of the natural characteristics of bees during their selection are clear and accurate notes in the passe magazine, which record the entry or seizure of honey, pergh, wax and other work carried out in bee families during the season. This will make it possible to more accurately identify the best families that inherit valuable qualities. Useful qualities of the bee family are checked for a number of years. Therefore, especially

valuable queens do not hurry to change and keep them for more than 2 years.

Bee queen and breeding drones are taken out only from the best bee colonies. By productivity, newly organized families should not be inferior to tribal ones. If the productivity of the bee colonies of the female daughters is lower than Tc, this indicates an error in the selection of the parent family. This family and her offspring are excluded from the tribal group.

The decline in the quality of daughters-daughters may also depend on drones. Insemination of queens occurs, as is known, in the air uncontrollably, i. e. with unknown drones and their hereditary qualities. That is why when carrying out breeding work, low-yielding families are systematically rejected and the exit of queens and drones is prevented from them. For honey collection or in winter, such families are united by 2-3 per one.

Replacement in ordinary families of queens at highly productive allows to improve the quality of bee colonies. So, from year to year, selecting the best queens, improve the quality of drones, which, equally with the uterus, affect the quality and productivity of bees.

Selecting the best families and producing from them the queens with the culling of the worst, the number of unrelated families decreases. After 2-3 years, all the uterus and drones will be related. It is known that closely related crossing leads to weakening of the organism, instability to diseases, a decrease in productivity, and ultimately to degeneration. Pairing the uterus with drones-brothers reduces brood rearing in some cases up to 25-50%. To prevent this, periodically after 1 to 2 years, exchange tribal uterus, and preferably bee colonies with advanced remote apiaries.

To update the blood and in case of dissatisfaction with local bees, they are improved by purchasing several fetal queens from southern nurseries.

Unfortunately, the nurseries send the customer related kittens, that is, taken from one family. Meanwhile, with the same expenditure of labor, but with greater benefit to production, it would be better to select the queens from different families and different apiaries. This would diversify the breeding material, significantly improved the quality of the queens and bee colonies.

Selection of the best bee colonies