Preservation of vitamins in vitaminized honey bees

Preservation of vitamins in vitaminized honey bees

All products during storage significantly lose their vitamin activity. To study the question of the duration of vitamins preservation in vitaminized honey, an experimental vitaminization of honey with ascorbic acid (vitamin C) was carried out in the chemical analytical laboratory of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Vitamins, after which (for 6 months) the vitamin was preserved.

Experience data showed that in linden honey, vitamin C remains better than in buckwheat honey. After 6 months of storage, approximately 50% of natural ascorbic acid, artificially introduced – 60-90%, remained in it. This gives us reason to assume that bees honey contains special stabilizers that protect ascorbic acid from oxidation. In addition, the physical and chemical properties of bee honey are very favorable for the preservation of ascorbic acid.

For the experiments, vitamin C was taken because it is the most labile. It can be assumed that other vitamins (B1, B2, PP, D, A), introduced into honey, may as well be preserved in it.

Preservation of vitamins in vitaminized honey bees