Home barometer

Home barometer

Home barometer

It will rain tomorrow or not – a question for a gardener or gardener is not idle. Know this is necessary in order not to water in vain. Extra water plants do not need anything. The barometer is not for everyone, and you will listen to the weather forecast, then you will get into trouble with it.

Somehow a familiar forester advised me to make my barometer. It is very simple, but it works without fail. And only – part of the spruce tree with a bough (the longer the knot, the more sensitive the “barometer”). From the trunk and bitch, you need to remove the bark and nail the trunk to the wall of the house or to the window frame from the side of the street in a shady place so that direct sunlight does not fall.

On the eve of cloudy weather, the knot will bend upwards, when it is clear and dry – it will go down. Noting the extreme upper and lower points of the deviation of the knot, you can predict the weather for 12 hours ahead.

The decoration of the forest barometer depends on the taste of the owner. On the wall of the house you can draw the sun, and on the tip of the bough to attach a thin white plastic contours of the cloud. Rising to rainy weather, a bough “cloudlet” will obscure the “sun”.

For the “barometer” you do not need to cut a tree in the forest – you can find a fir tree or use a Christmas tree discarded after New Year’s holidays.

Home barometer