Hand trolley

Hand trolley

Hand trolley

Today it is not easy to buy the necessary materials, parts, spare parts for the units. Many gardeners and gardeners to facilitate their work make adaptations, taking as a basis proposed by the readers of the magazine, modernizing or improving their designs. Having a small skill and ingenuity, any homemade can be adapted for the good of the cause.

We offer the construction of a trolley in which he used the tank of an old washing machine (any capacity can be used) and wheels from children’s toys.

Assembly of the trolley is simple, the costs are minimal.

Hand trolley

The construction of another trolley is also offered by the Muscovite. At its core is a metal tank that can be used as a backpack. When driving in transport it can be used instead of a seat.

Hand trolley

One of the painstaking care of garden strawberries is the removal of the mustache as it grows. Another Muscovite – offers to facilitate this work, if you use a knife made by him. The trimming technique is simple. With your right hand you hold the knife, while the left one lifts the mustache and cuts it. The working part of the knife resembles a sickle, which is sharpened on one side. Knife handle is made of wood or plastic and connected to the working part with rivets.

Garden VAR

When pruning trees, wounds are covered with garden putty or var. The reader offers one of the recipes for preparing garden gum: 4 parts of rosin (crushed to a dusty state), 2 parts of beeswax and 1 part of bacon.

Melt lard and mix with beeswax. After dissolving the wax, rosin is added to the mixture and all is mixed. Boil for 30 minutes, after which the mass is poured into cold water. When the solution cools down, it is kneaded with hands to remove

excess water. Wash the var until a yellow color is obtained. It is not difficult to keep the var for a long time – it is necessary to put it in a glass jar and close it tightly with a lid. Another way of storage is to wrap the var in oiled paper.

How to make shingles

Readers in their letters ask to tell how to make shingles to cover roofs of houses, sheds, cattle-breeding premises. Simple method of making shingles offers. Select the desired material (better than softwood) with a diameter of 20-25 cm, smooth, without knots. Cut the material into 25-30 cm long chunks and cut one side, but in such a way that when cutting the shingle its length should be 20-30 cm and thickness 7-10 mm. After the work, put the shingles under the load and stand in the shade. Easier to make shingles simple device.

Hand trolley

Crown the roof, applying a shingle one on another, covering not less than half the length of the lower shingle, and one row on the other – not less than 2/3 of the shingle. Fasten the shingles with a nail in the length of 40-50 mm. One nail is fastened simultaneously 2 shingles. Nails of the bottom row should be covered with shingles of the next row.

Hand trolley

When working on the site there is always a need to transfer tools, utility items from one place to another. Concentrating objects in one place will not be difficult if you use a picket. The base is a rack, pointed from below, on which fixing elements are fastened.

Hand trolley

Another of its devices will help keep bags in an upright position. At a distance equal to the width of the bag, hoops are attached to the stand, to which the bags are fastened using clothespins, strings, rubber bands.

Hand trolley

To protect gardens and orchards from moles, birds, animals offers simple in manufacturing, but an effective device – rattlesnake turntable. It can be made from wooden bars, plywood, metal plates. All parts are connected with nails and glue.

The propeller and swivel bars and support stand are made in length of 30 cm with cross section 2.5X2.5 or 3X3 cm.

Hand trolley

Assembly of the turntable is performed in the following sequence: rotary blades (8×18 cm) are installed in the cuts of the propeller and turntable and fixed with glue or nails. Determine the center of gravity of the propeller bar and drill a hole 5-6 mm in diameter.

On both sides of the bar at a distance of 8 cm from the hole, fasten the screws so that their heads protrude 1 cm above the surface of the plane. Then two metal plates and four washers are put on the nail, the propeller bar is attached to the turntable. Metal plates are cut from roofing (better galvanized) iron. From one end of the plate measure 10 mm and drill (in the middle of the bar) a hole 4-5 mm in diameter. Washers can be cut from tin (cans), scraps of roofing iron. Metal plates must always be on both sides of the screws.

On the swivel bar (at the center of gravity) a hole with a diameter of 5-6 mm is drilled. Connect the turntable to the stand with a nail (length 80-90 mm). Under the nail head, between the bar and the rack, pucks are put.

After assembly of a design details cover a drying oil or a colorless varnish. The turntable on the site is installed on wooden stakes or steel pipes at a height of 1 to 1.2 m from the ground.

Hand trolley