Decoction of honey of lime blossom

Decoction of honey of lime blossom

Is there a person in the world who does not want to be beautiful?

Is there a person in the world who does not want to make his appearance more attractive?

Is there a person in the world who does not seek to eliminate all defects of this species?

The answer to such questions can only be negative. Implement is not a natural desire of every person – to be attractive from outside, interesting – to help make cosmetics.

For dozens of years of practical work in the field of cosmetics, I managed to listen to a lot of conflicting thoughts about the role and significance of it. Many of her defenders, but there are also numerous, no less desperate enemies. In my small archive there are records of statements of both. I made these notes after lectures and talk about cosmetics in a wide variety of auditoriums. And before I start talking about the role of cosmetics, I want to bring some of the statements of my listeners.

“In my opinion,” said one of my listeners, a middle-aged woman, “the beauty, the attractive look of a person depends largely on the person.” Good eyes, fresh blushes on the delicate skin, correct facial features involuntarily evoke a feeling of sympathy. to the conversation of a sympathetic person, he arouses a sympathetic response in our minds, we understand him better. Thus, one can not condemn this or that person for caring about the beauty of his face, one can not forbid caring for the beauty of a person.

It seems to me that all methods and means that promote embellishment of the person have the right to exist. Many in the world of hypocrites condemn this view, and they look with satisfaction at the pretty face.

And we women can not do without the mirror and other things of the female toilet. We look in the mirror, not only to check whether our appearance is neat. We care about the attractiveness of our face, we

seek out every opportunity to make this person pleasant and beautiful. Yes, and men do not look at themselves in the mirror, do not follow their appearance and hairdress, do not seek to look interesting?


Decoction of honey is lime-colored.

Such a decoction cleanses the skin, makes it more elastic and tender, prevents peeling.

Abundantly moisten the skin with this broth (do not forget the neck) and sit for a few minutes.

After you have washed and dried your skin, take a cotton swab and soak it in a decoction of lime color with the addition of a drop of honey. Cook the broth as follows: take half a cup of boiling water and throw a handful of lime-colored flowers. Cover the glass with a saucer and wait 15 minutes, then add a teaspoon of honey at the end – and the composition is ready.

Put the glass with the broth in the refrigerator and in the morning the next day, repeat the procedure. Leave the rest of the broth, and in the evening make a new one.

Decoction of honey of lime blossom