Breeding work on the withdrawal of queens

Breeding work on the withdrawal of queens

The main goal of the breeding work is constant improvement of useful and economic qualities in bee families, as well as an increase in the productivity of beekeeping.

Breeding work consists in:

Selection and selection of the total mass of bees of such families, which have the best productivity. For them, the conditions of maintenance and feeding are improved, due to which their best qualities and attributes are strengthened.

Breeding work, as a result of which the qualitative composition of families improves and their productivity increases, must be carried out annually in all apiaries.

Each apiary needs to have a special magazine that records the state of each family at different times of the year (spring, mid-summer, autumn), its productivity, as well as the time when and in what family the uterus was born, the preparation and release of swarms, added or removed the house of bees or brood, the amount of honey and wax produced.

When calculating the total amount of honey that was collected and left in the hive, the productivity of honey is determined.

When calculating the honeycombs that were built up in a year, the wax productivity is determined.

To comply with the “Basic rules for keeping and breeding bees” is necessary in order to avoid mistakes, when the most productive bees of the apiary are identified, and also to conduct a selection aimed at increasing productivity.

The main complex of activities: strong families are kept in apiaries throughout the year, a good feeding of bees; good, spacious and warmed hives, a sufficient number of honeycombs for bees, finding an apiary in a place where many honey-plants, wintering for bees is warm and calm.

If bees eat well and are kept in good conditions, then the qualities handed down to them by inheritance improve significantly. With poor care, even the most highly productive bee families experience a decline in valuable qualities.

In order to strengthen the hereditary qualities, in the apiaries, conditions should be created that stimulate bee colonies to develop and increase productivity.

Beekeepers need to select tribal families. This is done on the basis of performance data and personal observations of bees. Usually the breeding core is 10 – 20% of all the bee colonies in the apiary.

The rest of the bee colonies are used only for honey, and belong to the group of households.

Every year, new families are added to the breeding core, in which outstanding symptoms were noted, and those with decreased productivity or disease were excluded from the tribal ranks.

Tribal families are given only high-quality fodder, they are kept in hives-lounges, or hives with several hulls, on good honeycombs to fold honey, a large amount of land is provided.

Breeding work on the withdrawal of queens