Black currant with honey
Black currants wash, drain, remove stems, wipe through a frequent sieve and mix with honey. Serve in small cups, adding carbonated water and putting in each cup of a piece of food ice. Norm of products: black currant – 600 g, honey – 5 tablespoons, carbonated water – 2 cups (from Polish cuisine).
Recipe 2
Honey-yeast milk.
Honey-yeast milk is high-grade in amino acid composition of proteins, rich in monosaccharides, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, etc. It is especially useful for elderly people, since it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. At home, honey-yeast milk can be prepared as follows.
In an enameled pan put 1 kg of fresh baking yeast and vigorously grind them with 400 g of powdered sugar or granulated sugar until a homogeneous mass is obtained, then add 1 L of water and cook for 2 hours. The resulting sugar-yeast paste diluted 2.6 liters of water, boil again for 18-20 minutes, then pour into a boiling paste consisting of 200 g of flour (preferably rye with bran) and 209 g of butter.
To the strained and still warm yeast milk, add 300 g of non-crystallized honey (better than buckwheat) and again stir thoroughly until a homogeneous mass of honey-yeast milk is obtained. Keep this milk should be in the refrigerator, take in warm (room temperature) form 2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day.
Black currant with honey