Beer honey swindle

Beer honey swindle

Beer contains water, alcohol, extractives, acids and carbon dioxide. The contents of the extract (maltose, glucose, dextrins, pectin, nitrogenous and other substances) – from 4 to 10%, alcohol – from 2.8 to 6%.

Prepare beer from barley malt, hops, yeast and water with alcoholic fermentation. It should be transparent, free of impurities, turbidity and precipitation. The taste and aroma of it is hop, wine or malty. It also causes a sense of bitterness, which is created by substances that are in the hops, barley shells and malt. At a temperature of 10-12 њ C, the beer poured to the glass should give a stable foam and slowly release bubbles of carbon dioxide. Mutnets of beer due to the loss of proteins or infection with its microorganisms.

Beer honey swindle

A large handful of dry hops, 2.6 kg of rye malt, 600 g of honey or sugar, pour 4 liters of water, put on the fire and boil for 30 minutes. After that, necessarily cool to a warm state (so that yeast is not soiled), add 100 g of yeast diluted in water, pour into a barrel, pour in another 15 liters of water, stir, cover with a warm cloth and allow to wander for 4 days. Beer can be colored with burned sugar. When it ferments, bottled at the bottle, clogged with stoppers and stored for use (no more than seven days) in a cold place.

Beer Zaporozhye

100 g of hop, well-ground with flour and 3 cups of sugar, pour 9-10 liters of boiling water, allow to infuse for 2-3 hours, filter and merge still warm into a keg (or other container), add 2 cups of dark molasses and 50 yeast, diluted in warm infusion. When the beer ferments, it is poured into bottles, clogged with stoppers and stored in a cold place.

Beer honey swindle