Bee venom in homeopathy

Bee venom in homeopathy

Its healing properties are devoted to many enthusiastic lines in all homeopathic manuals and journal articles, it is recommended for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases.

Bee venom is one of the few homeopathic remedies that has been relatively well studied by scientific medicine.

It is proved that bee venom even in homeopathic doses shows its biological effect and, depending on the degree of dilution, it has different pharmacological activity.

Doctors (allopaths and homeopaths) should always remember the instructions of the great physiologist IP Pavlov that “the final victory of medicine will come only through a laboratory experiment,” for “observation collects what nature offers him, experience takes from nature what he wants, And the power of biological experience is truly colossal. “

The diet recommended by the author for apitoxin therapy, in its composition, contributes to a more effective therapeutic effect of bee venom and a decrease in its toxicity in the body of the patient.

Important in the treatment of bee venom has a dietary regimen. It should be noted that not only the composition, but also the sequence of food intake with apitoxin therapy is important. The diet should be high-calorie, but not burdensome, taking into account the normal content of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins. Beneficial effect is the increased content in the diet of vitamins C and B1, it is useful to replace some sugar and other carbohydrates (bread, potatoes) with honey, about 50-100 g per day.

The best is 4 and even 5 meals a day in divided batches. During treatment, it is prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages, spices, which reduce the effectiveness of the therapeutic effect of bee venom. It is strictly forbidden to use bee venom immediately after a plentiful meal that causes a rush of blood to the digestive organs. Bee venom strengthens

temporary anemia (anemia) of the brain, which can lead to a fainting condition. It is also not recommended immediately after bee stings to take water procedures (baths, showers), make large walks. After stinging, removing the stings from the skin and lubricating the wound with boric ointment, the patient should lie for at least 20-25 minutes.

Of exceptional importance is the rational nutrition with apitoxin therapy of rheumatism. Rheumatism affects not only the heart and joints, but also the digestive system – the stomach, pancreas, liver. It is established that in rheumatism, the functions of the main digestive glands are disrupted in patients.

Therefore, the author recommends during the treatment with bee venom to adhere to the milk-vegetable diet (fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh low-fat cottage cheese and other dairy products), rich in vitamins, mineral salts, trace elements.

Snake and bee venom have much in common. Oxidizers (potassium permanganate), as well as alcohol neutralize the toxic effect of bee and snake venom. The introduction of venom is of great importance. Death comes from paralysis of the respiratory center. The hedgehog is equally immune to snake and bee venom, and the horse is very sensitive to apitoxin and snake venom.

The possibility of cross-immunization of animals against venom of vipers and bee venom is proved. It has also been established that the Calmetto serum against snake venom has a therapeutic effect in poisoning with bee venom.

Indications for the use of bees and snake venoms are almost identical: vipratox (formerly viprakutan) and virapin, or apizarthron, are used for muscle rheumatism, rheumatism of joints and tendons, inflammatory and degenerative processes of joints, neuralgia, etc.

Especially good therapeutic effect the author observed from the alternate use of preparations of bee and snake venoms, i. e. one day the patient rubbed into the skin of one shoulder of the virapin, the next day in the skin of the other shoulder – vipratox, on the third day the patient rubbed into the skin of one hip of the verapin, on the fourth day – into the skin of the other thigh of the vipratox, ie, just as in the treatment with bee venom. Bee and snake venom, having got into the blood, are carried by it throughout the body and are poisons that affect the nervous system, but in therapeutic doses they have analgesic properties.

It can be assumed that the toxic protein (protein), having got into the blood stream, stimulates the “defensive means” of the body to fight with the foreign protein. Doctors and patients should always remember that bee venom is a friend of health, but in the hands of the ignorant, he becomes the worst enemy. In addition, bee venom is the strongest allergen, and it is always dangerous.

Thus, although the bees and snakes phylogenetically (depending on the nature and development) are far apart, but poisons the representatives of these Hymenoptera and reptiles have in common: when properly used them for medicinal doses, they are healing and should be widely used for therapeutic purposes under the supervision of an experienced doctor.

Bee venom in homeopathy