Bath in the panel house

Bath in the panel house

He steamed, threw back the shelves and plunged into the cool water, pre-poured into the bath. Desperate lovers of the Russian bath Muscovites have equipped her with the bathroom of an ordinary apartment. The walls and ceiling were sheathed with an intermediate thermal insulation by the lining. The bath itself was closed with a reclining shelf fixed on the wall, without which, as is known, a bath was not a bath, a table for a gang and a broom was fitted over a sink, and an electric heater of its own design was installed in the corner.

For safety, it is fenced with a wooden fence and equipped with appropriate control equipment. In the heater there is a cobbler tray, which, when heated, gives dry steam. The temperature in the 80-90 њ C bath is maintained automatically. Electrical safety technology is fully observed. The main rule: before “flooding” the bath, it is necessary to take out of it all the objects that can melt or explode, and all plastic handles of sanitary equipment should be replaced with wooden, like metal ones, for example, door handles. Muscovites did everything themselves. Of course, spent on materials and electrical equipment, but what a pleasure in our enlightened age – its own bath.

Economical bath.

Bath in the panel house

Home bath, designed, seemingly ordinary, but with one feature: it is economical. A small bunch of firewood can quickly heat 12-14 buckets of water. This is possible because the hot gases from the flame first give their heat to a small tank of water (four liters), and then heat the heat exchanger, mounted around the chimney.

Is in the bath and a small heater that gives steam and heats the air space above the floor. The main unit is a simple stove-burger with a tank for primary water heating installed on it. Heat exchanger – pipes welded to the metal casing. In short, you can build the whole bathhouse yourself.

Bath in the panel house