Wheeled cultivator from a bicycle
1 – the bicycle wheel, 2 – the wheel mounting elements, 3 – the handle, 4 – the bolt for adjustment, 5 – the crossbar, 6 – the lock nut, 7 – the welded nut, 8 – the pipe that supports the seat, 9 – the seat resistance, 10 – the welded nut, 11 – cultivator head, 12 – bolt.
An American farmer from Indiana made a wheeled cultivator based on an old bike. He rejected part of the frame and moved the front wheel back. Then from a light steel pipe he made handles with replaceable positions. And, in the end, installed the head of the cultivator. The material costs of making such a cultivator are insignificant, time also needs a little.
Laborious work – cutting a bicycle frame.
You can use any bicycle frame. Handles and a small cross member are made of seamless steel pipe.
The cultivator should not be used on untreated soils. It is designed for weeding weeds, as well as for specific soil cultivation. Depending on the work performed, you can also change the types of cultivator heads.
Everything necessary to make this tool is shown in the figure, and each will determine the sequence individually. For a master this is not a problem, but for a beginner-vegetable grower – creativity and imagination.
Wheeled cultivator from a bicycle