To make the queen bee
Receiving from the beekeeping nurseries of valuable breeding queens, beekeepers often lose them through mistakes in the placement in the family. Causes, when bees take hostilely other people’s queens, a lot, I will not recount them. I just want to share one of the ways that guarantees the survival of the queens without any difficulties.
In an empty box I shake the bees from three to four frames (preferably from the middle of the nest, where there are many young bees). After 2 hours old flight bees will leave the box and return to their hive, and young non-flying will remain. This will be the bees by which I place the uterus. They usually take it.
At the same time, you should add a frame with food and a rare syrup. When the uterus begins to lay eggs, the family is strengthened with a mature brood.
To make the queen bee