Stretcher for hives
Bear hives with bees within a point is often enough, especially during the wandering and when putting them into a winter hut. For this purpose I made a stretcher of my own design.
They consist of four metal plates measuring 400X20XX5 mm. In each of them, two holes with a diameter of 5 mm were drilled from one end at a distance of 80 mm from each other.
Then each hole was drilled in such a way that there were cutouts: two plates on the left side, two with the right. A triangular file rounded off the edges of the plates. Screws with a thickness of 5 mm screwed into the front and rear walls of the bodies, as shown in Fig. 3. I used templates for markup. Screws screwed as deep as possible, so that their heads are tightly fixed in the cutouts on the stretcher plates. From the opposite ends of each plate, also drilled a hole 10 mm in diameter, to them tied a braid, which we with the assistant put on the shoulders. At the ends of the plates are rubber tubes.
Such stretchers can be used during the cleaning of the donjas by making a pair of light goats for them. Alternately lifting the body with the help of the bands on the left and right, under the ends of the stretcher I expose the goats. The hive hangs over them, and I easily replace the old bottom with a clean one.
Stretcher for hives