Propolis in folk medicine

Propolis in folk medicine

In folk medicine, propolis is popular as a remedy for the treatment of long-healing wounds and corns.

Propolis ointment was successfully used in the treatment of farm animals with necrobacillosis. It had a very good therapeutic effect in this disease without prior removal of necrotic lesions or at their superficial removal.

Obviously, propolis ointment refers to weak stimuli and promotes the creation of normal trophic. Ointment, prepared on Vaseline, sunflower and bleached oils in a proportion of 1: 1, 1.5: 1, gives better results than other means used.

Propolisic 10% ointment was successfully used to treat various surgical diseases of farm animals (stab, torn and cut wounds, abscesses, mastitis, etc.).

Experimental studies on the local anesthetic effect of propolis showed that the anesthetic power of a 0.25% propolis solution surpasses that of cocaine and novocaine.

Anesthetic properties are possessed by essential oils: a 0.25% solution of propolis essential oil causes complete anesthesia for 12.5 minutes. A solution of propolis of the same concentration after the distillation of essential oil did not possess an anesthetic effect.

Propolis ointment, applied to the skin of patients who need radiation treatment, in most cases prevents the appearance of radiation reaction of the skin. It turned out that the propolis ointment favorably influences the radiation reactions, weakening them, which shortens the treatment time for patients and allows the use of the necessary radiation doses without interruptions. Propolisnaya ointment is recommended for prevention of radiation reactions, as well as for treatment of radiation injuries in wide medical practice.

In 1960, at the 2nd Leningrad Conference on the Application of Beekeeping Products in Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, a doctor from the 8th TB dispensary delivered a report “The bactericidal effect of propolis on the mycobacterium tuberculosis.” In the theses of the report it is written: “The patient is ill with fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis since 1944. Since 1958 he, according to doctors, lives in a suburb of Leningrad and works in an apiary (in one of the state farms).

Until 1959, in the upper lobe of the right lung, a cavern with a diameter of 3-3.5 cm was clinically and radiolo – gically determined. The effect of antibiotic therapy was not given. During six months the patient laid a flat cake of propolis for a night at night. At present, the patient does not have an X-ray in the patient’s cavern, he does not distinguish tubercle bacilli. “

Propolis in folk medicine