Preservation of skins

Preservation of skins

Quality hides – raw materials for the production of household items

(footwear, clothing, etc.) depends on feeding, care, keeping animals, the rules of their slaughtering, as well as removal, storage, primary processing of raw materials.

It must be remembered that the wrong face reduces the quality of raw materials. Experienced workers of slaughter stations perform this complex work in a qualified manner and, moreover, in adapted for slaughtering premises. Qualitatively removed skin costs 40-60% more expensive.

Skins must be preserved no later than two hours after they are removed from animal carcasses. Preservation of skins of calves, fur coats and fur sheepskins and other animal species preserves the structure and commercial qualities, and also makes such raw materials suitable for dressing skins, sheepskins and fur coats.

Before canning, the skins of large cattle, calves, sheep and goats are necessarily subjected to primary treatment (remove the remains of meat and fat). This increases not only the grade, but also contributes to the uniform preservation of the skin, because under the remains it is not salted enough.

It should be remembered that untimely conservation of skins causes their rapid decay, which sharply reduces the quality of raw materials, especially of fur coats.

Preserves the skins with pure kitchen grind salt No. 3. For sheepskin and goat meat, grind salt No. 1-2 is used. Salt throughout the area of ​​the skin is distributed evenly, and thickened areas are sprinkled with a thick layer.

When preserving skins, it is convenient to use a rack with a size of 2 X 2.75 m, previously sprinkling the kitchen salt on it with a layer up to 3 cm. During the salting of the skins of small cattle, in particular of fur sheepskins, salt is rubbed into the skin all over the surface. For salting on each kilogram of skins you need 400 g of salt.

Skins of cattle are completely salted no less than 7 days in length, calfskin, calfskin, sheepskin and goat – for 4 days. The temperature in the canning room should be within + 10 њ C, relative air humidity – 75-80%.

In areas with a hot climate, skins are preserved in a dry-salted way. At the same time, they are first salted, kept for two days on a shelf, then hung on a special poles for drying: in summer under a canopy, and in winter in a special room.

Since non-salted skins, frozen or dried by direct sunlight, deteriorate and their quality deteriorates, it is necessary to observe the rules for storing raw materials.

Preservation of skins