Platform for a trailer to a car

Platform for a trailer to a car

A significant part of beekeepers during the active bee season roam with a small apiary, carrying it on a trailer to a car. If in the area where the apiary stands, the members of the family, neighbors or acquaintances can help immerse the hives on the trailer, then, after arriving at the honey-combs, the beekeeper often remains alone with his bees. One can not even remove the hives from the trailer, not to mention their loading. Not always in such conditions there are other beekeepers nearby, at times not close and settlements where it would be possible to address for the help. Therefore, you have to take in the car, already overloaded, an assistant, organize his trip back, and even to give up the best medonosami. Sometimes it is already found out on the spot that these honey-plants do not give off nectar, or that the treatment of the nearby field begins with poisonous chemicals, or something else, because of what you have to change the place of travel. As a result, during the season, some beekeepers move from place to place 3-5 times. Each such relocation requires loading the hives: onto the trailer and unloading them upon arrival.

To eliminate heavy manual labor, load an apiary on a trailer and unload it without an assistant, it is enough to use the platform to a passenger car consisting of two bent or welded pipes along the body of a trailer 1 with planks 2 and T-shaped supports 3 attached to them. Pipes are bent and welded so that when placed on the trailer platform, their horizontal ends protrude above the sides. The platform is equipped with a lever with a roller, for lifting it into the body.

Platform for a trailer to a car

The ends of the pipes with the flooring are inserted into the supports and fixed with pins through the holes. The height of the platform on the supports is set so that the trailer with an open tailgate comes into it (the wheels of

the trailer must be located outside the body dimensions). Lifting a trailer under the platform, a piece of metal strip is placed on the front side of the platform of the body, the lever is put on it so that its roller touches tube 1. The lever is pressed downwards, while the roller, rolling along the pipe, lifts the front part of the platform with the hives. As soon as the supports come off the ground, the lever position is fixed, the pins are removed, the supports are removed and the platform is lowered onto the bottom of the body by the lever. Then, the lever is transferred to the opposite horizontal platform tube, and the operation is repeated, after which the tailgate is closed and the legs on the trailer are laid. Unload the platform from the trailer in the reverse order: open the tailgate, lift the platform with the lever, install and fix the supports and lower the platform on them. The trailer is taken from under the platform with an open tailgate.

For trailers with wheel niches inside the body and a non-opening tailgate, a metal frame is also manufactured in the height of the wheel arches and a platform is mounted on it. In a body under a metal frame various beekeeping and household accessories put.

The platform can be used to transport various agricultural goods from the field, the garden, from the forest. Its advantage is that the goods can be collected and prepared for transportation without the costs of heavy manual labor for several hours or a whole daylight, for example when harvesting potatoes, while using a trailer with a car in other jobs. On the platform, you can install a medium-sized barrel and, having poured water into it, take it out for irrigation of remote gardens. If you put the latticed beads on the platform, it can take out fresh beet tops for feeding animals to pasture or a walking area.

Platform for a trailer to a car