Organization of a nomadic apiary

Organization of a nomadic apiary

The article tells about the organization of a nomadic apiary. The most important thing for a nomadic apiary is the location of the bees or in the pavilion on the platform. I advise you to immediately exclude the option, when the beehive is on the ground, and for transportation it is required to load them into the car and unload it to a new place, because This method requires the hiring of movers, and the time of transportation of bees at night is reduced because of the time spent on loading. Preference should be given to keeping the bees on the platform because of fire safety, because The inflamed platform can be extinguished, having dumped a beehive from a platform and extinguish a fire on the ground, the pavilion can not be extinguished.

So, you are going to create a nomadic apiary. First, you need to determine the number of hives located in the apiary. The recommended number of beehives to one beekeeper is from 50 to 75, depending on the age. The next step is to choose a platform. You can buy a ready platform, or buy a trailer, then build a platform out of it yourself.

Depending on the configuration of the platform, the time of manufacturing the platform from a conventional trailer is several months. This interval depends on many factors: one or more tiers of hives; with additional retractable modules or not. The next article will be about the construction of single-tier platforms with additional retractable modules (the name “exhaust” will be used later).

Proceeding from the experience of operating various platforms, we give some recommendations for building a platform – it is recommended to make a single-tier platform, since multi-tiered platforms have a high center of gravity, which leads to an increased probability of tipping over. If you still decided to make a multi-tier platform, then it is advisable to make the top tier of the platform pushing to the side, otherwise it is inconvenient to cooperate with families in the lower tiers.

Extraction is desirable to make a retractable behind the platform, since there is no need to disengage the tractor from the platform during daytime idle time, or when traveling over long distances. If you increase the overall rigidity of the platform – during transport the trailer will stop swinging.

At the location of the permanent location of the platform, it is desirable to have an auxiliary apiary. It is a small family or nucleus. Their main purpose is to strengthen the main family at the time of bribery, as well as the operative replanting of the queens to the main family with its loss. For the possibility of strengthening the main families, the size of the framework of the auxiliary and main families should be the same.

Organization of a nomadic apiary