Ointments based on bee venom

Ointments based on bee venom

Bee venom can be introduced into the patient’s body and by rubbing an apitoxin ointment made from pure apitoxin, white petrolatum and salicylic acid. Salicylic acid softens the outer layer of the skin (epidermis) and increases its permeability. Since apitoxin can enter the blood only through the damaged skin, the composition of the ointment includes minute silicate crystals that injure the skin. The patient appointed by the doctor can carry out this ointment treatment by himself at home.

Negative side of treatment with ointment should be considered trauma to a large area of ​​the skin when rubbed. The therapeutic effect with the administration of apitoxin intradermally and electrophoresis is much higher than with the use of apitoxin ointment.

Ointments based on bee venom