Milk and fruit drinks with honey

Milk and fruit drinks with honey

Recipe 1

A glass of yoghourt, 2 cups of fresh milk, 3 tablespoons of honey and sour cream, 150 ml of strawberry or raspberry juice (you can do without sour cream).

Recipe 2

Two glasses of boiled cold milk, a glass of fresh carrot juice, juice of one lemon, a tablespoon of honey.

Recipe 3

Two cups of sour milk, a glass of fresh milk, one tablespoon of blueberry, pomegranate (or 3 tablespoons of one of them), 100 g of honey, 150 g of ice cream.

Recipe 4

Two egg yolks, 3 tablespoons of honey, a little salt, vanilla powder, and a half cup of boiled milk, mix, drain.

Recipe 5

Shake down 2 egg yolks, add 3 tablespoons of honey and a half cup of boiled milk. Mix well and combine with beaten egg whites.

Recipe 6

Mix honey with lemon juice and dilute with cold boiled milk. 25 g of honey, 10 g of lemon juice, 200 ml of milk.

Recipe 7

Milk boil and stir with honey, cool. The currant should be washed, cleaned of the pedicels, wiped through a sieve. In the dishes with mashed berries, slowly pour the milk, quickly stirring, so that it does not curl. Use in a refrigerated state. 4 tablespoons of honey, 3 glasses of milk, 300 g of black currant berries.

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Milk and fruit drinks with honey