Medicated and toning recipes with honey

Medicated and toning recipes with honey

Recipe 1

It’s good to drink a glass of water in a morning with a spoonful of honey. Honey regulates the activity of the intestine. It is useful to drink such a honey drink and for the night. It improves sleep.

Recipe 2

Honey (120-180 grams per day) with lemon juice or rose hips helps with pain in the liver and kidneys.

Recipe 3

Honey significantly increases the hemoglobin content in the blood. Take 100-150 grams per day for three to four weeks.

Recipe 4

With anemia, you can consume honey and milk (20% honey, 80% milk).

Recipe 5

1 tbsp. honey Z-4 times a day for 1,5-2 hours before meals reduces the acidity of the stomach, it acts as an analgesic for peptic ulcer. Infusion of walnut leaves (1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water) is used for angina and stomatitis as a rinse.

Recipe 6

Many, of course, remember the frozen transparent juice on the cherry tree. Children love to chew it as a delicious natural chewing gum. Do not ban this – cherry juice is very useful. In folk medicine it was used to treat the mucous membrane of the stomach, as well as against intestinal diseases. Used it in its natural form or boiled water.

Recipe 7

The fruits of sea buckthorn contain up to 8% of fatty oils, a lot of ascorbic acid, carotene, many other valuable organic compounds. In folk medicine, the fruits of sea-buckthorn are used as an analgesic for ulcers of the stomach. Sea-buckthorn oil is also used to treat radiation damage to the skin and therapy of malignant tumors of the esophagus.

Recipe 8

To get sea buckthorn oil, the fruits of sea buckthorn are tossed in a mortar, adding warm water and stirring. Oil separates and accumulates on the surface. Water can be settled and drained. You can also use another method: the seeds of sea-buckthorn are placed under the press and squeezed out the oil. It has a reddish-orange color, quite liquid and fragrant.

Recipe 9

The fruits of sea buckthorn are well preserved in winter if they are rubbed with sugar (1: 1). Closed in cans of the mass retains medicinal properties for several years.

Recipe 10

Healing properties have sea buckthorn syrup. For 2.5 kg of fruit add the same amount of sugar and 1 liter of water. After the mixture boils, it is defended for 2 hours. Filter and syrup cook a few more minutes. Then it is bottled and densely clogged.

Medicated and toning recipes with honey