Juices with honey

Juices with honey

Juices enrich nutrition with vitamins and trace elements, organic acids and pectins, are easily digested by the body, favorably affect digestion, and are therefore widely used in dietary and therapeutic nutrition. As a food and medicine, juices are useful for everyone, but first of all for small children, elderly people, patients (fever, chronic diseases of the herbs, obesity, etc.).

Drink juices should be no later than 10 minutes after cooking, in small sips, wetting saliva (preferably through a tube for drinking cocktails). Do not drink juice in large sips, like water.

Cut raw materials before making juices. The best after-quality cloudy juices: they contain more useful substances. Filter the juice only with certain diseases of the stomach and with respiratory diseases.

The juice should be pleasant to the taste, refreshing. Therefore, fresh juices are added juice of citrus fruits, sour fruits, berries. Acute, bitter, unpleasant juices can be mixed with sweetened or sour cream, milk, almond or nut milk.

It is especially useful to use juices with honey, which promotes a faster and less energy consuming assimilation of juices by the body. On average, a glass of juice, infusion or broth of herbs should be added a tablespoon of honey. It also enriches the juice with vitamins, provides it with a unique taste and improves its absorption by the body.

Juices with honey