How to get wild honey

How to get wild honey

The beekeeper is an ancient profession. First, in very remote times, hunting for honey was, like hunting for the beast. People went into the woods, found hollows with bees, ruined them, broke out the honeycombs and carried them home. This occupation required the ability to observe, caution, experience and, like all hunting, courage. It is not easy to find a nest of bees in a dense forest. It’s not easy and take honey from them. It was necessary to climb a tree and there, at the height, break the honeycomb. Enraged wild insects turned to flight not one hunter. Almost always the ruined family perished. The woodpeckers, martens, and, often, bears also finished the work.

Later, in order not to ruin the bees and not to destroy the nests, they began to cut or cut pieces in hollow trees. Honey was picked up and the hollow was closed again. Such hollows with bees began to be called borts. According to the established custom, they became the property of those who first discovered them. On the trees, signs indicate who these boards belong to.

Beekeepers-bortniki knew the habits of bees well, knew how to deal with them. They did not take honey from young families so that the bees did not starve to death, and when they had to remove swarms, they put the bees in pre-prepared hollows. From generation to generation, borne art was passed on. In places with deciduous forests, rich in honey plants, there were many bees and whole villages traded with beards. Until now, villages and villages have survived, the names of which indicate that their inhabitants were engaged in the honey industry in the old times: Bortnoye, Bortnitsy, Troobortnoye, Medovoe, Medyn, Good Bees.

Over time, the bees began to be kept in apiaries, near the house, first in duplianks-pieces of hollow tree and in decks-hollowed hives, and then in demountable frame hives. Beekeeping from the hunting industry gradually became a

domestic activity, like cattle breeding and farming.

Modern world beekeeping in its development has risen to a high level and has an industrial character. In all countries, research and development beekeeping institutions and laboratories equipped with the latest equipment operate. The bee is studied by naturalists, scientists-entomologists, beekeepers-experts, professionals and amateurs.


When selecting honey, it is extremely important to do everything carefully and carefully. After a large honey collection bees are very alert, excited and enterprising. They attract the slightest smell of honey, an accidentally dropped drop, taken out, but not immediately harvested honeycomb. Bees-thieves will certainly take advantage of the error or negligence of the beekeeper. And then mass bee larceny can begin, which often ends with the looting and death of individual families, and even the entire apiary.

Bee-scouts and thieves unjustly condemn for this. They are simply enterprising. Nectar was given flowers, and they collected it. The bees are guided by the natural instinct of catching feed, wherever it is. By the way, nectar of flowers, when it is, they prefer any other sugary liquid. If there is a good honey harvest, then on the apiary you can leave a honeycomb with honey and not one bee will sit on it. But it’s quite another thing when nectariferous flowers blossom out. Carelessly leaving the honeycomb immediately attracted a thousand bees, scavenging in search of food.

At this time, they can even fly to the market where they sell honey, get into the pantry with honey, if it’s not well hidden there, into the sinkhole where the honey smell comes from, enter the nest of a weak or sick family that can not properly organize protection.

In bee larceny, the beekeeper is always to blame. It arises because of his negligence. Somewhere he overlooked, something unfinished. A bee misses do not forgive.

How to get wild honey