How to deal with tick bee

How to deal with tick bee

At the present time, methods, methods and means have been developed that make it possible to keep the number of mites in families at a level that does not affect the development and productivity of families so much.

Before you get a hive, you need to learn all the means of combating the mite beforehand and from the first day of working with bees to apply them to your apiary, in accordance with specific circumstances. Without this, a novice amateur beekeeper can not count on success. It has been established by research and practice that a successful fight against a tick is possible only with the comprehensive application of available methods of control.

The following measures to combat the tick are available to the amateur beekeeper:

Equipping the hive with a mesh bottom with a pincer trap;

Cutting of the brood brood from the building frames;

Use of one or two funds for the chemical treatment of families in periods when these funds are most effective.

The least labor intensive chemical preparations are folbek, folbek BA and formic acid, the use of which does not require a complete disassembly of the nest.

However, formic acid in the conditions of the apiary was not effective enough. Significantly better results were obtained when using a 2% solution of oxalic acid, which can be used during the warm season, since a complete disassembly of the nest is required.

To combat varroatosis, the mite development cycle is also widely used. It consists in creating summer conditions, when the family is deprived of a printed brood for a certain period. During this period the mite loses its ability to reproduce and the bees noticeably self-cleanse from it. To increase the effectiveness of prevention, chemical treatment of bees with folbeke or oxalic acid is carried out in the non-sporadic periods of development of families. Heat treatment is not applied due to

the complexity of its conduct and the high cost of equipment. In addition, according to recent studies, it can not be considered harmless to bees.

A great success in the fight against mites can be considered the discovery of a depressant effect on the parasite extracts and infusions of pine buds and needles, wormwood fed to bees with sugar syrup or candy. On their basis the preparation KDS-81 was created, which is fed to bees with syrup in the autumn. These means are also good in that they simultaneously stimulate the development of bees.

Beekeepers-amateurs successfully use liquid coniferous extract of water extract and infusion of pine needles and kidneys. To use pine needles and kidneys in February-early March, harvest 40 mm tips of branches, then dry them in a ventilated shaded place and store in paper bags in dry unheated rooms. Before consumption, the required quantity of needles with buds is ground with a sharp ax and poured with boiling water (for 1 kg of mass 4 liters of boiling water). The container is covered and insisted before cooling. After percolation, one glass of infusion is stirred in 3 liters of syrup and fed to bees. Store such infusion in the refrigerator can be no more than two days, but use is better fresh.

The smearing of the tick on the bees is facilitated by fumigating them with smoke from the rosemary, the roots of elecampane, pine needles, coriander seeds, and still smoldering pieces of old pre-polish linen, wool.

These funds are pawned in a kindled smoke and fumigated hives, giving in each 15-20 clubs of smoke.

Removing the mite is also facilitated by placing in a hive (on a pallet or frame) some plants: Ledum, lyubistok, wormwood, thyme or tomato tops. Helps in the fight against the parasite and lubrication of the pallet with turpentine ointment (4-6 g), turpentine (4-5 g), camphor oil (5-8 g), anise oil (1-2 g), “Golden Star” balm for 3-4 families), dill oil (5 g).

The ointment, prepared from menthol and camphor oils and boromenthol ointment in a ratio of 1: 1: 2 with an additive for every 100 g of the ointment of a single jar of “Gold Star” balsam, can help to shed mites. The presence of boric acid in such a mixture contributes to the destruction of larvae of wax moths and beetles in the area of ​​the pallet.

There is information about the almost 100 per cent efficiency of the treatment obtained by fumigation of bees with propolis smoke during the autumn feeding of bees, with the repetition of treatment in two weeks. Fumigation is performed with open vents. For 4 families one-third of a tablespoon of propolis is used, which is filled up in a kindled smoke. In each hive 5-6 times (alternately) is given to 12 clubs of smoke before the combustion of propolis. After that, the tray closes for 40 minutes.

To destroy the tick in the same period, use white powdered naphthalene, after long disputes allowed for use for the treatment of bees. It in a dose of 13-15 g (2 teaspoons with a slide) is evenly scattered on a sheet of paper or cardboard and placed in a pallet under the net from 17 pm to 10 am for two days. After two weeks, the treatment is repeated. In cold weather and inadequate efficiency, the dose of naphthalene is increased by 30-50%, and at a temperature of more than 25 њ C the exposure time is reduced to 10-12 hours. This method of killing a mite is successfully used by many beekeepers.

When processing bees with a 2% solution of oxalic acid, you should know that frequent use of this agent can contribute to the disease of bees with ascosphere (calcareous brood). That is why it is desirable to process bees with this composition no more than once per season.

Still, the greatest effect is produced by oxalic acid, which is used in the middle of summer with a beet-free state of bees.

Thus, due to the complex use of mechanical, chemical and zootechnical methods of fighting the tick, it is possible to make apiaries profitable in areas that are disadvantageous in varroa.

How to deal with tick bee