Honey ware storage

Honey ware storage

Keep honey recommended in a dry, well ventilated place at a temperature of 5 to 10 C.

Experiments have shown that, with considerable air humidity, the weight of honey increases by the amount absorbed by it from the air. Honey has a high hygroscopicity, therefore absorbs a lot of moisture and can sour.

When viewing a drop of honey under a microscope, it shows an insignificant number of yeast fungi capable of causing fermentation of the sugars contained in it at a certain temperature. The results of the research showed that the main causative agent of fermentation of honey are yeast fungi from the genus Zygosacharomits.

Why is there no fermentation of honey in honeycomb cells, where there is enough moisture? This is explained by the fact that in a beehive with bees the temperature reaches 30 њ C or more. At such a high temperature yeast fungi of honey are not able to wander. The optimum temperature for fermentation of honey is 11-19 њ C.

Honey can not be stored in a room where there are herring, sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers and other food products, as well as other substances (kerosene, tar, gasoline, turpentine, which emit a pungent smell.

The most hygienic and convenient for storing honey glass containers. For crystallized honey, packets of dense parchment paper can be used.

Large quantities of honey are stored in wooden barrels of linden, aspen, alder, poplar, etc. Wood for making containers should not contain more than 20% moisture, which corresponds to the moisture content of honey. Coniferous wood is unsuitable for making containers for honey because of the strong odor. It is not recommended for this purpose and the container of oak, because it honey blackens.

In dishes made of iron and galvanized sheet metal, it is dangerous to store honey, since iron reacts with honey sugars, and zinc forms poisonous compounds with organic acids.

Labeling and labeling honey are of great importance to the consumer. The label should contain the following data: honey (linden, buckwheat, acacia, etc.), time and place of its collection, color (light golden, dark brown, etc.), weight (gross and net ), the name of the organization or supplier of this honey.

Honey ware storage