Flesh skins at home

Flesh skins at home

First of all, it is advisable to note that the skins must be salted before drying.

Dressing includes the following operations:

Preparation of raw materials, creasing, degreasing, souring, tanning, fattening and drying.

Preparation of raw materials.

Dry skins soaked in brine (400-500 g of salt per bucket of water). If the skins are salt during drying, then the amount of salt can be reduced, or not put it at all. In the skins there are a lot of different bacteria, so to suppress their development on the bucket of liquid add 1 – 2 tablets of norsulfazole or furatsilina. If this is not done, then from the finished skins hair can drop out. It is also useful to add 15-20 g of laundry detergent or soap. Then the skins can not be washed. The amount of liquid is predetermined by the number and size of skins that must float freely, and above them, to be a 5-cm layer of liquid. If for two days the skins are not soaked, then they put them again in fresh solution.


After soaking, the skins are scraped with a blunt knife or the back side of the hacksaw blade for metal. The skin is spread on the board, and the “stocking” from the rabbit or nutria on the pack and scrape from the tail to the head and from the spine to the abdomen, removing the remains of fat, meat, film. Delicate, thin peels can be smoothed after souring and even tanning, but the remains of fat and meat must be removed immediately after soaking.


Since fat complicates further processing of skins, they need to be degreased. For this, skins can be washed in soapy water. Rough (sheep, nutri) in household soap, tender (rabbit, protein) in the toilet. You can use a detergent solution (about 35 grams per bucket of water) for all hides. After washing, the skins are wiped with a dry rag, shaken out, the water is beaten out of the sheep skin with a stick, since it will

interfere with further processing.


The amount of opaque should be the same as the solution for soaking. To prepare GumsIn enamel or pottery, dilute to a homogeneous mass: 2 kg of oatmeal or rye flour of coarse grinding to a bucket of hot water. Add a glass of salt, 5 g of soda. When the mass has cooled, add 70 g of yeast. In this opaque soak the skins and keep for about two days. All the time, the dough is stirred, and the skins are turned over so that the film does not form on the surface and the solution does not rot. The duration of souring depends on the breed, age and even the mode of fattening of animals. The end of the sour is determined as follows: remove the skin from the sponge, near the groin, fold it upside-down four times to form a “pig’s ear” tightly tighten, nail along the fold line and release. If the skin is ready, then, where the nail is carried out, there is a white strip for a while, the so-called “dry”.

Finished skins are taken out of the spoon, a little squeezed, stacked on top of each other, fur-up and put oppression. Sheepskins are also covered with wet burlap. Thus, skins ripen one – two days, after which they are soaked from 20 minutes to 1 hour in a solution of soda (10-15 g per bucket of water) to neutralize the acids that formed during souring.


It’s better to do this in a recipe for broth. Most of all tannins in willowberry, whose leaves are fluffy, the bark is dark, rough, with a reddish on the inside. To obtain a vertebral decoction, the dishes are filled, without condensing, with bark and thin twigs, poured over with water and boiled for half an hour. Then the broth is poured, 500 g of salt and 2-2.5 l of broth of horse sorrel roots are added to the bucket of pepper solution. Broth of sorrel improves the quality of tanning, although you can do without it. Broth of oak bark compacts the skin, makes it coarser and slightly color fur in a yellowish color.

After cooling in the broth soak the skins from 12 hours to 4 days. To determine the end of the process, a piece of skin is cut off the groin and a cut of the skin is examined through the magnifying glass. If the tannin solution (a little yellowish) penetrated the entire depth of the skin – the process is over. Skins are removed from the solution, folded for maturation, as well as after souring, for two days.


Fatting is done to improve the water resistance of the skins, which makes them softer. To do this, in 0.5 liters of boiling water, you need to dissolve 50 g of soap, add 0.5 kg of pork lard or fish oil, mix everything thoroughly, add 5-10 g of ammonia (you can buy it in any pharmacy). The solution is applied to the skin with a brush or a swab. The skins are folded in pairs with fur outside and left for 3-4 hours for good impregnation with fat.


Drying of the skin is carried out at room temperature, wrinkled and stretched in different directions. Then the skins on the side of the masdra are rubbed with tooth powder or finely chalked chalk, which removes excess fat, rubs the skin with emery paper (tender cuticles of rabbits or squirrels with some caution). After this, the skins are knocked out, and the fur is combed with a brush.

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Flesh skins at home